Hi kohani ,
That explains the issue, so WiFi wouldn't be possible, except by eg. using a WiFi dongle. By default you don't need heatsink for the RPi, as also standard RPis don't have it. If ambient temperature reaches very high temperatures, then it might throttle the CPU to reduce the temperature. Stepan will clarify on RH issue.
Thanks, Erik
OAk-D-CM4 over Wifi (drivers)?
kohani Hello,
In regards to the RobotHub issue - 32 bit versions are indeed not supported, so you will need to flash it if you want to connect it to RobotHub. We would recommend the Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit Lite version. This guide might be of assistance.
Hope this helps!
Thank you, StepanKroupa.
Hi kohani ,
We for the inconvenience, please contact support@luxonis.com and we will take care of it.
Thanks, Erik
Hi StepanKroupa,
I flashed the board with Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit Lite, installed dependencies and the depthai Python library, and successfully ran the RGB demo. Finally, I installed the RH agent, and the device was discovered inside RH, however, the status seems to be stuck at "Identifying". See attached screenshot. As a result or perhaps unrelated, the video preview brings up a modal "Waiting for a stream..." but nothing happens.
Please let me know if I missed something.
kohani Hello again,
Please go to the "Apps" tab in the sidebar on the left, Create an App, then go back to your Robot -> Perception Apps -> Install the new app. After it installs, click on the App and check the streams in Live View (on an RPI it might take up to 20 - 30 seconds for the streams to start). If the streams still don't work, please send the logs
Hi StepanKroupa,
Just to clarify, did you mean a blank app? If so, then install failed with the following output:
Error: unable to start container "1d1df8f2c2ce39ab5506728f3442be71ca79d3f2550c232d0c4f31bc2c78d41d": crun: opening file
memory.maxfor writing: No such file or directory: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that was not found
Please see the screenshot for settings and output.
kohani Hello again,
I am sorry about this issue it is a known one - we have a fix for it but its not yet deployed. To fix it on your machine, please add cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1
to the end of the first line of /boot/cmdline.txt
. After rebooting the CM4, this installation issue should no longer occur.
Hope this helps!
Thank you, StepanKroupa. It worked perfectly.
Hi @StepanKroupa @erik I got the OAK-D CM4 with a Tenda USB Wi-Fi dongle in the box:
It shows no wireless LAN available and there are some issues/glitches with OS also, can I install official Rpi OS or is there any OAK-D flavor of OS available for fresh flash?
CM4 on back is this:
Hi AnshumanFauzdar ,
You can use the standard RPI OS and then just install depthai on it (https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/api/en/latest/install/). We also provide precofnigured images (so they already have depthai & dependencies installed) here: https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/hardware/en/latest/pages/guides/raspberrypi/
Thanks, Erik
- Edited
erik Thanks for this, the folder contains images for PoE version but mine is OAK-D CM4 is it same for both?
Can I power this module with micro usb through USB_BOOT slot disabled?
and any help on Wi-Fi dongle driver installation?
Hi AnshumanFauzdar ,
Yes it should work for your cam as well, there isn't much difference.
The usb-boot is for flashing (emmc, see here), I don't think you can power the whole board through it. Does the dongle not work by default with newest RPI OS image?
- Thanks for this clarification
- Got it, if it would have type C or this boot_USB it would have been nicer to work in production environment. Is PoE supported because I can see pins labelled with PoE hat CT1, CT2, SP2, SP1, if yes where can I get it?
- I have not flashed new OS yet, will try and update here.
Hi AnshumanFauzdar ,
- Looking at the schematics I believe it should, just note that the SOM heatsink will be in the way, so you might need extension header (like this), so you'll be able to connect the POE hat onto the OAK-D-CM4.
erik Where can I get the PoE hat? Buy link will be appreciated. Thanks
Hi AnshumanFauzdar ,
We don't have our own POE hats, but any from Amazon (for rpi 4) should work.
erik Thanks!