Thank you, StepanKroupa. It worked perfectly.

- Apr 27, 2023
- Joined Mar 28, 2023
- 0 best answers
Hi StepanKroupa,
Just to clarify, did you mean a blank app? If so, then install failed with the following output:
Error: unable to start container "1d1df8f2c2ce39ab5506728f3442be71ca79d3f2550c232d0c4f31bc2c78d41d": crun: opening file
memory.maxfor writing: No such file or directory: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that was not found
Please see the screenshot for settings and output.
Hi StepanKroupa,
I flashed the board with Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit Lite, installed dependencies and the depthai Python library, and successfully ran the RGB demo. Finally, I installed the RH agent, and the device was discovered inside RH, however, the status seems to be stuck at "Identifying". See attached screenshot. As a result or perhaps unrelated, the video preview brings up a modal "Waiting for a stream..." but nothing happens.
Please let me know if I missed something.
Thank you, StepanKroupa.
- Edited
Thank you for your response erik, no it does not seem like it. Please see attached photo. I also noticed a heat sync for the PI on some of your store photos. Is that something that was supposed to be shipped with the product or just shown as an option?
Lastly, in trying to connect the board to RobotHub I noticed it was shipped with a 32-bit os which produces ! Unsupported architecture armv7l ! error. Is the board supposed to be compatible with RobotHub out of the box or is there a 64-bit image available I can flash?
Thank you
Hi, erik
I just received an OAK-D CM4 and have successfully connected via Ethernet, and it looks like #dtoverlay=sdhost,poll_once=off is already commented out in /boot/config.txt but I'm still getting "No wireless interface found" via sudo raspi-config.
Do you have any other suggestions to try?