• RAE cannot connect to RobotHub (or the Internet in general)

I have similar problem. I have connected RAE trough SSH, but following your instructions to enable WIFI connection to Internet for RAE, I cannot set up the driver wlp1s0. "wlp1s0: Failed to initialize driver interface" after "pa_supplicant -B -i wlp1s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" line command and after "systemctl stop hostapd".

Retried n times all the times resetting RAE to factory settings.

Can you help me?


Updated to 1.13 after some tricks connected to Internet but if I reboot I loose Internet comnnection and when I tried to connect to robothub same as @esimkowitz

  • Mike replied to this.

    AlbertoFassio … Did you do a hardware reset ? … and only use the QR code to connect to RobotHub ? … Or did you manually change wifi settings ?

      I did hw e soft reset and I changed the fw to 1.13.

      The problems are two:

      1) I have to do rfkill twice to connect to local network with wpa_supplicant otherwise It does not work. Then if I reboot the ip address is lost and I have to redo the procedure

      2)After internet connection if I launch robothub cloud connect, I receive teamnotexistent

      Is it so difficult to provide a page with complete and updated instruction?

        Hi AlbertoFassio
        Please don't mix and match manual config and official RH steps. As Mike said, try connecting using QR only.
        Also please use FW 1.12, since 1.13 is still in development and has some bugs. We will make release versions more obvious in the future.

        Complete instructions are also being created and will be added to the docs.


        11 days later

        It's been a while, but just as an update, I actually contacted the Luxonis team directly, and what ended up happening is that they had me send back the RAE I had back to them (apparently it was defective or something), and they sent me back a new one. The QR code connection thing works now, although there are some other weird things going on in RobotHub that I may or may not make a post about, depending on whether they end up resolving themselves.

        8 days later

        I have the same issues, just got a replacement rae - and the same issues prevail. It is really frustrating, especially seeing that almost a month later there is neither better documentation, nor solutions to the existing problems, nor apparently new software…

        Very frustrating experience so far, especially since most of us aren't excatly total newbies. >60% of the rae forum topics are people not being able to connect to or from the device…

        a month later

        I have more or less the same issues. Highly frustrating. I could connect once using the hub. I even saw a video in the browser. Once. After adding the default app nothing worked. After rebooting i only see the rae logo. Reset did not help. I can ssh into the thing but what to do then?

        I deleted the content of /data (which according to the 2 half sentences covering Reset in the docs is one step) but this did not help. How can i revert back to initial state?

        Docs are not worthy in my opinion. No info about the next steps.

        What about a script, which enforces the system setup to a defined state using Ansible or whatever.

        For now the rae still collects dust and i do not want to waste any more time. Bad.

        I am obviously not alone. This product seems to underwhelm a lot of customers.

        • Mike replied to this.


          I have found when Rae gets into a state doing a hard reset gets things back up and running - push and hold the reset button … you need to start from the beginning though afterwards … also pays to ensure you are running v1.12 FW

            Mike As mentioned above, the (hard)reset did not improve the situation. I tried this many times. I am stranded. Is there any information somewhere about the semantics of those LEDs, I see green, blue at times.

            So obviously the hard reset is not a factory reset.

            Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want to do "hard" reset as far as Robothub is concerned try these commands:

            systemctl stop robothub-tunnel
            systemctl stop robothub-agent
            rm -rf /home/robothub
            mkdir /home/robothub
            systemctl start robothub-tunnel
            systemctl start robothub-agent

            and then reboot the device. That should remove any info about RH from device and you would need to connect it again - which seems like what you want (could be useful to delete robots from RH browser too). RH agent should then create (if it doesnt exist already) following file that looks like this:

            root@keembay:~# cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 
                ssid="your ssid"
                psk="your password"

            Blue leds mean it is connecting, while green/red leds during that process will give feedback on results. Let me know if this helps you revert to original state. If you still have issues running the default app can you print me the feedback from this command (after you start the app and you see no results, you can increase the number if nothing appears in logs but it should be enough):

            robothub-ctl logs -l 200

            Thanks, as I have similar problems I followed these steps after I made a factory reset and was back to where the device would not connect to RH but just show 'rae' in the display. The firmware after factory reset was 1.14.
            After the reboot (I guess that means switching off with double-click and back on with single-click on the main button) the device was not showing in the display that it was connected to RH, nor went any lights on. I first had to manually connect it to the WIFI. Then I opened the browser and checked the agent's page (IP:9010) which worked. From there I connected the device to RH. A bit of a back door but it worked :-).
            Ok, checking the perception apps showed:
            - RaeStarterApp crashes with 'No module named 'robothub'
            - RaeDefaultApp doesn't start. Actually it shows 'Initializing' and then stops right away.
            From my many tests the not working apps are connected to firmware 1.14 - with 1.12 they work.

            Here is the output from 'robothub-ctl logs -l 200':

            Last login: Thu Dec 28 14:27:23 2023 from

            root@rae:~# robothub-ctl logs -l 200

            362 14:15:43 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:15:45 W user/agent : app[7174b9ee-537d-4f8e-806c-79ce39b8b85d] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:15:45 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:15:45 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:15:45 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - done

            362 14:16:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:16:28 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:16:30 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:16:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:16:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:16:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:16:39 I user/agent/apps : sync from server

            362 14:16:41 I user/agent/apps : sync from server - done, will trigger local sync

            362 14:16:41 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning devices to apps...

            362 14:16:41 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning orphan devices to builtin apps...


            "device": []


            362 14:16:41 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) | storedApps = 2 | containers = 2

            362 14:16:41 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - ensure stored containers...

            362 14:16:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:16:43 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:16:46 W user/agent : app[7174b9ee-537d-4f8e-806c-79ce39b8b85d] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:16:46 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:16:46 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:16:46 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - done

            362 14:17:00 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:17:01 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:17:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:17:31 I user/agent/apps : sync from server

            362 14:17:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:17:31 I user/agent/appsBuilds : [appId = 58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] downloading and building ...

            362 14:17:33 I user/agent : pulling image 'ghcr.io/luxonis/rae-default-app:2023.214.1100-rvc3'

            362 14:17:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:17:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:17:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:18:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:18:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:18:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:18:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:18:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:19:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:19:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:19:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:19:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:19:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:20:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:20:27 I user/agent : image has been successfully pulled 'ghcr.io/luxonis/rae-default-app:2023.214.1100-rvc3'

            362 14:20:27 I user/agent/appsBuilds : [appId = 58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] downloaded and built

            362 14:20:27 I user/agent/apps : sync from server - done, will trigger local sync

            362 14:20:27 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning devices to apps...

            362 14:20:27 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning orphan devices to builtin apps...


            "device": []


            362 14:20:28 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) | storedApps = 3 | containers = 2

            362 14:20:28 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - ensure stored containers...

            362 14:20:29 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:20:29 I user/agent/apps : creating container for new app (58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f)

            362 14:20:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:20:33 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "stopped" => "starting"

            362 14:20:35 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:20:37 W user/agent : app[7174b9ee-537d-4f8e-806c-79ce39b8b85d] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:20:37 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:20:37 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:20:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:20:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:20:37 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - done

            362 14:20:38 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:20:40 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:20:41 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:20:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:20:42 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:20:44 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:20:44 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:20:46 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:20:47 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:20:49 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:20:50 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:21:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:21:22 I user/agent/apps : sync from server

            362 14:21:23 I user/agent/apps : sync from server - done, will trigger local sync

            362 14:21:23 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning devices to apps...

            362 14:21:23 I user/agent/oak-discovery : unassign device [58B28016838860C5]

            362 14:21:23 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning orphan devices to builtin apps...


            "device": [




            362 14:21:24 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) | storedApps = 3 | containers = 3

            362 14:21:24 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - ensure stored containers...

            362 14:21:25 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:21:27 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:21:29 W user/agent : app[7174b9ee-537d-4f8e-806c-79ce39b8b85d] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:21:29 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:21:29 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:21:29 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - done

            362 14:21:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:21:32 I user/agent/apps : sync from server

            362 14:21:34 I user/agent/apps : sync from server - done, will trigger local sync

            362 14:21:34 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning devices to apps...

            362 14:21:34 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - assigning orphan devices to builtin apps...


            "device": []


            362 14:21:34 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) | storedApps = 3 | containers = 3

            362 14:21:34 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - ensure stored containers...

            362 14:21:36 W user/agent : app[607a1716-2eac-4aaf-8723-8a0aef094c55] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:21:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:21:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:21:37 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:21:39 W user/agent : app[7174b9ee-537d-4f8e-806c-79ce39b8b85d] status updated from "running" => "running"

            362 14:21:39 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:21:39 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - cleanup of old containers...

            362 14:21:39 I user/agent/apps : local sync (db -> containers) - done

            362 14:21:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:21:46 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:21:47 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:21:49 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:21:49 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:21:51 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:21:51 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:21:53 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:21:54 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:05 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:06 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:08 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:09 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:11 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:12 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:14 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:14 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:22:30 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:30 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:22:32 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:33 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:35 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:35 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:22:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:22:38 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:40 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:42 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:42 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:22:44 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:44 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:22:46 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:22:47 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:23:08 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:23:09 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:23:11 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:23:12 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:23:14 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:23:14 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:23:16 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:23:17 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:23:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:23:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:23:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:23:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:23:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:24:12 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:24:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:24:22 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:24:24 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:24:25 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:24:27 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:24:27 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:24:29 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:24:30 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:24:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:24:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:24:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:24:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:25:12 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:25:13 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:25:15 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:25:15 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:25:17 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:25:18 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:25:20 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "running" => "starting"

            362 14:25:20 W user/agent : app[58d4d7d1-04ba-46f4-bdc7-9df1c9295d4f] status updated from "starting" => "running"

            362 14:25:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:25:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:25:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:25:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:25:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:26:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:26:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:26:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:26:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:26:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:27:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:27:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:27:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:27:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:27:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:28:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:28:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:28:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:28:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            362 14:28:40 I user/agent : memory stats || heapT = 129339392, heapU = 127105120, ext = 5706685, buf = 3395834, rss = 407719936

            362 14:28:40 I user/agent : resource usage || uCPU = 92139042, sysCPU = 31848563, maxRSS(kB) = 432828, fsR = 44800, fsW = 801152, ipcS = 0, ipcR = 0, volCtxSw = 79975, invCtxSw = 11892

            362 14:28:42 I stream-handler/streaming : Streaming stats:

            362 14:28:42 I stream-handler/streaming : ... no streams available

            362 14:28:42 I stream-handler : I am alive ...

            362 14:29:21 I user/agent/hub-connection : received see_you

            362 14:29:31 I root/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:29:37 I user/agent : I am alive ...

            362 14:29:37 I user/agent : db stats!


            "cache_size": [

              "cache_size": -16000


            "freelist_count": [

              "freelist_count": 2


            "page_count": [

              "page_count": 27



            Sorry for the bad format it is just a Putty dump. Thanks for any hint.

            The firmware after factory reset was 1.14.

            Factory reset should not revert the robot to 1.14 as that is very unstable version - factory reset should revert it back to 1.12. That is very unusual issue - I will try to figure out how factory reset updates to wrong version. I would suggest using 1.12 FW version for now.

            Ok, very well - 1.12 works very good actually. But there remains the other problem: When I switch off/on the device and again log into RH then RH automatically updates the device back to 1.14. How can I turn of the automatic firmware update in RH?

            6 days later

            Device should not automatically update via RH. I will check with rest of the team why that is happening.