
  • Nov 29, 2023
  • Joined Oct 18, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • I finally got mine working by connecting to my secondary network. My primary network has special chars in the SSID and I think the encoding in the QR code couldn't account for that. I am able to now log into the robot and load programs as shown in the video above!

    I am noticing though that my robot is drifting as it drives. Is there a native way to adjust the trim for the motors?

  • The instructions here assume that RAE even has an internet connection…

  • I am still stuck. I got the manual connection to work once, but then I kept having connectivity issues and trouble installing apps so I reset the RAE and started over. Now I can't connect at all…

    • Mike replied to this.
    • I am running into a similar issue. I just got my RAE yesterday and had to do the wpa_supplicant steps to get it to connect because I have special chars in my SSID. I was able to get it connected after a lot of troubleshooting and then I ran robothub-ctl connect to try and force a manual connection, but I kept getting "team not found" errors in the RobotHub portal. I tried rebooting the robot and now it lost its WiFi connection…