I just got my rae.
Tried to set it up with RobotHub according to instructions (QR code): QR code is received, display states "connecting to <my SSID>", device flashes first blue, then red, then turns white - but no connection to my WLAN (device doesn't show up in my WLAN or RobotHub).
Tried to set it up manually according to instructions: SSID & password were obviously correctly received, because the correct information is in /etc/wpasupplicant.conf. BTW, there is an error in the instructions, the quotation marks in the example for the passPHRASE are wrong, use only if you use the passWORD. /etc/systemd/network/20-wifi.network has the right content, too. Stopping hostapd was never needed, it is always dead after startup. When trying to connect to my WLAN with wpasupplicant b -i wlp1s0 (…) i start getting lots of error messages - from missing or invalided devices, to already running (or hanging) instances… Error messages seem to depend a bit on the time of day and what I tried before - I can provide them, if there is anyone who can help me. This seems to be the root cause of the issue, because I don't get beyond that step in the manual setup and I guess the "QR code method" is trying to do pretty much the same in the background.
I do get wlp1s0 shown in the device list for ifconfig & Co.), but obviously never with a connection to my WLAN.
When trying to scan for WLANs with wpa_cli, I don't get any output (and there are plenty of WLANs around), which strikes me as weird, because that should IMO work, even without any WLAN connection. So maybe THIS is the root cause and something is wrong with the WLAN adapter?
Last observation, not sure if this might be related: My device gets VERY hot. You need to be quick when picking it up for shutting it down…! I don't think, that it should be that hot. After some time, I started to get kicked out of the ssh session too, so I suspect a bit, the device might freeze/lock-up due to overheating.
The display is strange, too: It starts up fine (backlit -> "rae" -> small robot on white background -> "Register…" on white background, but then the display starts to "flicker", constantly changing ist brightness until it's gone. Looks a bit like a "fade out" effect with 0.5 Hz … I doubt very much, that this is as it should be, too.
Any ideas, tips or recommendations? Some more info I shall provide? I have no previous experience with Archlinux, but I am otherwise fairly proficient on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian), so fire away!
With respect to temperature and display: Might I simply have a HW defect?