Is it so difficult to provide a page with complete and updated instruction?

- Jan 6, 2024
- Joined Oct 19, 2023
- 0 best answers
I did hw e soft reset and I changed the fw to 1.13.
The problems are two:
1) I have to do rfkill twice to connect to local network with wpa_supplicant otherwise It does not work. Then if I reboot the ip address is lost and I have to redo the procedure
2)After internet connection if I launch robothub cloud connect, I receive teamnotexistent
Updated to 1.13 after some tricks connected to Internet but if I reboot I loose Internet comnnection and when I tried to connect to robothub same as @esimkowitz
I have similar problem. I have connected RAE trough SSH, but following your instructions to enable WIFI connection to Internet for RAE, I cannot set up the driver wlp1s0. "wlp1s0: Failed to initialize driver interface" after "pa_supplicant -B -i wlp1s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" line command and after "systemctl stop hostapd".
Retried n times all the times resetting RAE to factory settings.
Can you help me?