No depth Ai device found
Hi CodeGenius
Can you explain how you are connecting the POE device to the PC?
Have you tried detecting the device using
Relevant links:
- Edited
Hey Jaka, Thanks for reaching out. I am connecting using the ethernet cable to the hub and then the hub to the laptop. I also don't have from my installation.
This is what I get when I log my system information:
"architecture": "64bit",
"machine": "arm64",
"platform": "macOS-13.4-arm64-arm-64bit",
"processor": "arm",
"python_build": "main Apr 7 2023 20:13:31",
"python_compiler": "Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)",
"python_implementation": "CPython",
"python_version": "3.11.3",
"release": "22.5.0",
"system": "Darwin",
"version": "Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Mon Apr 24 20:53:44 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.2\~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103",
"win32_ver": "",
"packages": [
"setuptools @ file:///opt/homebrew/Cellar/python%403.11/3.11.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/ensurepip/_bundled/setuptools-67.6.1-py3-none-any.whl",
"wheel @ file:///opt/homebrew/Cellar/python%403.11/3.11.3/libexec/wheel-0.40.0-py3-none-any.whl",
"usb": [
"port": 3,
"vendor_id": "0x0bda",
"product_id": "0x8152",
"speed": "High"
"port": 1,
"vendor_id": "0x14cd",
"product_id": "0x8601",
"speed": "High"
"uname": [
"Darwin Admins-MacBook-Air.local 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Mon Apr 24 20:53:44 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.2\~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64 arm"
Hi CodeGenius
Please follow POE troubleshooting docs (my guess is that there's no DHCP):
erik as per the screenshot above, I have updated the DHCP IP address
CodeGenius Why did you set the IP to As that would be the default fallback static IP of the camera.
erik What should I set it to?
I have updated it.
The error is persistent:
I apologize if this is taking so long. I have never used an OAK-D before.
Hi CodeGenius
You need to set the subnet mask as well, otherwise the PC doesn't know which devices are in the same subnet.
- Edited
I have:
But now the status has changed from not connected to self-assigned IP:
The error message has also changed:
Hi CodeGenius
Can you check the device manager for found devices? Then change the device IP to your usual subnet range (192.168.100.x mask i think).
After using it on my windows machine, it has worked. IT'S ALIVE!!!
I was happy to see a thread about someone going through precisely the same problem I'm currently be confronted with, but was disappointed to see that the conclusion was "I changed Operating System and it worked"
To avoid creating a new thread and keep this issue consolidated in the same place for future viewers, I'm hoping maybe @jakaskerl & @erik could perhaps help further debug issue here?
I'm in exactly the same situation as OP was. I'm using a 2019 Intel MacBook Pro, with macOS 13.2.1 (22D68). The screenshots posted by @CodeGenius are identical to what I'm seeing. In essence, I can ping
, but it doesn't show up as any of the devices in Hardware Info or when running system_profiler SPUSBDataType
More context:
- I have used the camera successfully on the same laptop whilst running under Ubuntu 22.04.03 (it is a dual-boot system)
- I have tried to specify the device whilst initialing the camera via its IP, i.e.
, to no avail - I'm using a USB-C dongle to connect the PoE signal line to the laptop
Hi Abstraction ,
Have you already gone through all the troubleshooting options? One of the thing that could be tricky is the USB-C dongle, we have noticed a few times that was the culprit.
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Yehp, went through all the troubleshooting steps except for the factory resetting (I know the camera works from my experience with it on Ubuntu).
One thing I've noticed is that the camera will appear occasionally, but the moment it tries to get accessed, it disappears. More precisely, a simple way to reproduce the situation I'm observing is as as follows:
- I start the from the utilities folder in depthai-python
- The camera shows up as one of the devices from the dropdown menu
- I hit the search button
- Not only does the camera not show up on the list, but it disconnects entirely from the system, i.e. the Network settings in MacOS shows it as "Not Connected".
- A little while later, the Network adapter dongle reappears connected to the laptop
Have you noticed problematic USB-C dongles being an issue across OSs or only particularly for MacOS? In this case, I'm using the same dongle when I'm booted into Ubuntu or Mac, and it works on the former but not on the latter.
- One potential difference between the OSs is that on Ubuntu you can explicitly set IPv4 to Link Local Only (which I've observed is preferable for the stability of the connection, otherwise Ubuntu occasionally will also fail to find the camera when set to) whereas on MacOS, that explicit option is only available for IPv6 but IPv4 you need to manually configure or use DHCP (and so to achieve the same you set the IP address in the 169.254 range + mask)
Hi Abstraction
Was experiencing the same issue on OAK-D-POE, MBP M1, ETH to USBC dongle.
The camera would be identified under USB LAN, but would disconnect anytime I booted the device. Bootloader connection ( would work as expected.
What changed is I went on WIFI, now it works. So very likely a dongle problem.