Yes all scripts referencing the right and left mono cameras work perfect. Just the RGb does nothing.
Specifically I have been trying to compare and contrast the (that does nothing, generates no errors but does not even render a black window) and that does work. I am trying to debug these variables in pycharm:
xoutLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
According to the hellow world example provided in the documentation, this is where the camera gets 'added' whether it be RGB or Monjo. I am trying to figure out what is different with the camera that works and the one that doesnt.
Anything specific I could look at to determine where the issue may lie.
I was looking at the connection attribute but is says 'None' for the value for both cameras so that is not a good indicator why one would work and one would not. Any variable specifically I could set a debug 'watch' to shed more light on this?