• Video Window Does not render


Which version should I install of depthai? what is the best way to install that specific version making sure the newer version is 'removed'?

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi BrianHouse ,
    Yes, I think you should just use latest depthai (pip install depthai -U) and calibrate the device, the link you posted would be the best resource for that.
    Thanks, Erik


      Hi Erik,

      One last thing I decided to try before the calibration was to set this up on my MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.3.1 (a). So when I ran the depthai_demo.py script, the RGB camera still showed no video, just like the Raspberry PI, but I feel like I got more output that may help determine what is going on with the RGB camera. I am trying to rule out of this is a physical or configuration issue with the OAK-D Lite. See below:

      (base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:depthai brianhouse$ python3 depthai_demo.py

      Using depthai module from:  /Users/brianhouse/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai.cpython-39-darwin.so

      Depthai version installed:

      Setting up demo...

      Available devices:

      [0] 184430100149620E00 [X_LINK_UNBOOTED]

      USB Connection speed: UsbSpeed.SUPER

      /Users/brianhouse/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/previews.py:186: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast

        dispFrame = (dispFrame * 255. / dispIntegerLevels).astype(np.uint8)

      Stopping demo...

      === TOTAL FPS ===

        File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 656, in run


        File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 133, in run_all


        File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 317, in run


        File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 373, in loop


        File "/Users/brianhouse/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/managers/preview_manager.py", line 148, in prepareFrames

          packet = queue.tryGet()

      RuntimeError: Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'color' (X_LINK_ERROR)'


        Yes all scripts referencing the right and left mono cameras work perfect. Just the RGb does nothing.

        Specifically I have been trying to compare and contrast the rgbpreview.py (that does nothing, generates no errors but does not even render a black window) and mono_preview.py that does work. I am trying to debug these variables in pycharm:

        xoutLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)

        According to the hellow world example provided in the documentation, this is where the camera gets 'added' whether it be RGB or Monjo. I am trying to figure out what is different with the camera that works and the one that doesnt.

        Anything specific I could look at to determine where the issue may lie.

        I was looking at the connection attribute but is says 'None' for the value for both cameras so that is not a good indicator why one would work and one would not. Any variable specifically I could set a debug 'watch' to shed more light on this?

          Hi BrianHouse
          I feel like the XLink for color just isn't sending frames to a queue correctly. When reading from the rgb queue with .get() the script probably blocks, since there is no frame to be read and .get() is a blocking function.
          I believe since you are running all the latest versions of software, it might be a hardware fault.

          Could you:

          • try to run the pipeline graph tool to see where the stream stops
          • try the same script with the same camera and usb cable on a PC to confirm



            Here is the output from first running mono_preview.py which does work:

            (base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:examples brianhouse$ pipeline_graph run "python3 MonoCamera/mono_preview.py"

            Pipeline schema retrieved

            Program exited.

            0. MonoCamera.out (10) -> XLinkOut.in (2)

            1. MonoCamera.out (6) -> XLinkOut.in (1)

            Here is the output from rgb_preview.py which does not work:

            (base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:examples brianhouse$ pipeline_graph run "python3 ColorCamera/rgb_preview.py"

            Pipeline schema retrieved

            Program exited.

            0. ColorCamera.preview (8) -> XLinkOut.in (1)

            • erik replied to this.

              Hi BrianHouse ,
              We apologize for taking this long to debug.. Could you just try the last thing, the cam_test.py, and copy the terminal output? My guess is that ColorCam is connected, but will stream 0 FPS, which means the cable isn't properly connected on the PCBA. In such case, we will replace the device asap.
              Sorry again!


                Are there other modules I am going to need"?

                (base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:tests brianhouse$ python3 cam_test.py 

                Traceback (most recent call last):

                  File "cam_test.py", line 45, in <module>

                    import cam_test_gui

                ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cam_test_gui'

                (base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:tests brianhouse$ 

                also I noticed it has a lot of options which ones do you want me to run?


                  ok, I figured out all the dependencies. I have Camera Test working. I guess I take all the defaults to the prompts and 'connect' to the device"?


                    Here is the output:

                    (base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:tests brianhouse$ python3 cam_test.py 

                    Enabled cameras:

                        rgb : color

                       left : mono

                      right : mono

                       camd : color

                    DepthAI version:

                    DepthAI path: /Users/brianhouse/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/depthai.cpython-38-darwin.so

                    [184430100149620E00] [20.4.2] [0.989] [ColorCamera(8)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 3

                    [184430100149620E00] [20.4.2] [0.990] [MonoCamera(6)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P

                    [184430100149620E00] [20.4.2] [0.990] [MonoCamera(4)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P

                    Connected cameras:

                     -socket RGB   : IMX214 4208 x 3120 focus:auto  - COLOR

                     -socket LEFT  : OV7251  640 x  480 focus:fixed - MONO

                     -socket RIGHT : OV7251  640 x  480 focus:fixed - MONO

                    USB speed: SUPER

                    IR drivers: []

                    Cam:      rgb           left          right         camd     [host | capture timestamp]

                    FPS:   0.00|  0.00  30.15| 30.01  30.16| 30.01   0.00|  0.00Exiting cleanly

                      5 days later

                      How long did it take to get your replacement?

                      Another one with the same issue. Super frustrating way to run support on a forum!

                      PS C:\Users\Adam\source\repos\depthai-python\utilities> python cam_test.py

                      Enabled cameras:

                      rgb : color

                      left : mono

                      right : mono

                      camd : color

                      DepthAI version:

                      DepthAI path: C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\depthai.cp311-win_amd64.pyd

                      [1844301071BC600E00] [1.3] [0.713] [ColorCamera(8)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 3

                      [1844301071BC600E00] [1.3] [0.713] [MonoCamera(6)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P

                      [1844301071BC600E00] [1.3] [0.714] [MonoCamera(4)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P

                      Connected cameras:

                      -socket RGB : IMX214 4208 x 3120 focus:auto - COLOR

                      -socket LEFT : OV7251 640 x 480 focus:fixed - MONO

                      -socket RIGHT : OV7251 640 x 480 focus:fixed - MONO

                      USB speed: SUPER

                      IR drivers: []

                      Cam: rgb left right camd [host | capture timestamp]

                      FPS: 0.00| 0.00 30.00| 30.01 30.00| 30.01 0.00| 0.00Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'rgb' (X_LINK_ERROR)'

                      Exiting cleanly


                        Hi Adam,

                        I have not received it yet. I also asked them for tracking info which I have not received yet.
