Hi BrianHouse ,
Yes, I think you should just use latest depthai (pip install depthai -U
) and calibrate the device, the link you posted would be the best resource for that.
Thanks, Erik
Video Window Does not render
Thanks Erik.
Hi Erik,
One last thing I decided to try before the calibration was to set this up on my MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.3.1 (a). So when I ran the depthai_demo.py script, the RGB camera still showed no video, just like the Raspberry PI, but I feel like I got more output that may help determine what is going on with the RGB camera. I am trying to rule out of this is a physical or configuration issue with the OAK-D Lite. See below:
(base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:depthai brianhouse$ python3 depthai_demo.py
Using depthai module from: /Users/brianhouse/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai.cpython-39-darwin.so
Depthai version installed:
Setting up demo...
Available devices:
[0] 184430100149620E00 [X_LINK_UNBOOTED]
USB Connection speed: UsbSpeed.SUPER
/Users/brianhouse/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/previews.py:186: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
dispFrame = (dispFrame * 255. / dispIntegerLevels).astype(np.uint8)
Stopping demo...
=== TOTAL FPS ===
File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 656, in run
File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 133, in run_all
File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 317, in run
File "/Users/brianhouse/Luxonis/depthai/depthai_demo.py", line 373, in loop
File "/Users/brianhouse/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/depthai_sdk/managers/preview_manager.py", line 148, in prepareFrames
packet = queue.tryGet()
RuntimeError: Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'color' (X_LINK_ERROR)'
Hi BrianHouse
Do scripts that don't utilize the color camera work? e.g. Mono preview
Yes all scripts referencing the right and left mono cameras work perfect. Just the RGb does nothing.
Specifically I have been trying to compare and contrast the rgbpreview.py (that does nothing, generates no errors but does not even render a black window) and mono_preview.py that does work. I am trying to debug these variables in pycharm:
xoutLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
According to the hellow world example provided in the documentation, this is where the camera gets 'added' whether it be RGB or Monjo. I am trying to figure out what is different with the camera that works and the one that doesnt.
Anything specific I could look at to determine where the issue may lie.
I was looking at the connection attribute but is says 'None' for the value for both cameras so that is not a good indicator why one would work and one would not. Any variable specifically I could set a debug 'watch' to shed more light on this?
Hi BrianHouse
I feel like the XLink for color just isn't sending frames to a queue correctly. When reading from the rgb queue with .get() the script probably blocks, since there is no frame to be read and .get() is a blocking function.
I believe since you are running all the latest versions of software, it might be a hardware fault.
Could you:
- try to run the pipeline graph tool to see where the stream stops
- try the same script with the same camera and usb cable on a PC to confirm
Hi BrianHouse
Sorry for not linking to the repo. Here.
Run it using pipeline_graph run "python3 <name of script>
Here is the output from first running mono_preview.py which does work:
(base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:examples brianhouse$ pipeline_graph run "python3 MonoCamera/mono_preview.py"
Pipeline schema retrieved
Program exited.
0. MonoCamera.out (10) -> XLinkOut.in (2)
1. MonoCamera.out (6) -> XLinkOut.in (1)
Here is the output from rgb_preview.py which does not work:
(base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:examples brianhouse$ pipeline_graph run "python3 ColorCamera/rgb_preview.py"
Pipeline schema retrieved
Program exited.
0. ColorCamera.preview (8) -> XLinkOut.in (1)
Hi BrianHouse ,
We apologize for taking this long to debug.. Could you just try the last thing, the cam_test.py, and copy the terminal output? My guess is that ColorCam is connected, but will stream 0 FPS, which means the cable isn't properly connected on the PCBA. In such case, we will replace the device asap.
Sorry again!
Are there other modules I am going to need"?
(base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:tests brianhouse$ python3 cam_test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cam_test.py", line 45, in <module>
import cam_test_gui
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cam_test_gui'
(base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:tests brianhouse$
also I noticed it has a lot of options which ones do you want me to run?
ok, I figured out all the dependencies. I have Camera Test working. I guess I take all the defaults to the prompts and 'connect' to the device"?
Here is the output:
(base) Brians-MacBook-Pro:tests brianhouse$ python3 cam_test.py
Enabled cameras:
rgb : color
left : mono
right : mono
camd : color
DepthAI version:
DepthAI path: /Users/brianhouse/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/depthai.cpython-38-darwin.so
[184430100149620E00] [20.4.2] [0.989] [ColorCamera(8)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 3
[184430100149620E00] [20.4.2] [0.990] [MonoCamera(6)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P
[184430100149620E00] [20.4.2] [0.990] [MonoCamera(4)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P
Connected cameras:
-socket RGB : IMX214 4208 x 3120 focus:auto - COLOR
-socket LEFT : OV7251 640 x 480 focus:fixed - MONO
-socket RIGHT : OV7251 640 x 480 focus:fixed - MONO
USB speed: SUPER
IR drivers: []
Cam: rgb left right camd [host | capture timestamp]
FPS: 0.00| 0.00 30.15| 30.01 30.16| 30.01 0.00| 0.00Exiting cleanly
Hi BrianHouse
Yeah, seems like a connection issue on rgb (note the 0 | 0 on rgb). Could you write to support@luxonis.com, so we can replace the camera.
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
Sure thanks for all your help Erik and Jaka!
How long did it take to get your replacement?
Another one with the same issue. Super frustrating way to run support on a forum!
PS C:\Users\Adam\source\repos\depthai-python\utilities> python cam_test.py
Enabled cameras:
rgb : color
left : mono
right : mono
camd : color
DepthAI version:
DepthAI path: C:\Users\Adam\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\depthai.cp311-win_amd64.pyd
[1844301071BC600E00] [1.3] [0.713] [ColorCamera(8)] [error] Camera not detected on socket: 3
[1844301071BC600E00] [1.3] [0.713] [MonoCamera(6)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P
[1844301071BC600E00] [1.3] [0.714] [MonoCamera(4)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P
Connected cameras:
-socket RGB : IMX214 4208 x 3120 focus:auto - COLOR
-socket LEFT : OV7251 640 x 480 focus:fixed - MONO
-socket RIGHT : OV7251 640 x 480 focus:fixed - MONO
USB speed: SUPER
IR drivers: []
Cam: rgb left right camd [host | capture timestamp]
FPS: 0.00| 0.00 30.00| 30.01 30.00| 30.01 0.00| 0.00Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'rgb' (X_LINK_ERROR)'
Exiting cleanly
Hi Adam,
I have not received it yet. I also asked them for tracking info which I have not received yet.