Stereo depth was not better. ToF did improve once I removed extra lighting that was exposed to camera. I know that documentation mentioned some of the issues that both stereo and depth may face. A control environment in door may be the short time solution for me. As you stated that you guys will be testing out alignment issues and etc. So i should expect some misalignment still but as of present day, it is expected to be that way correct(even if the object is not reflective, shiny or transparent)?

    Some efforts were done to improve TOF-RBG alignment.

    Script below has some additional undistortion of the RGB, the results were allegedly better. It seems to be an issue of alignment node in FW.

    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    import depthai as dai
    import time
    from datetime import timedelta
    # This example is intended to run unchanged on an OAK-D-SR-PoE camera
    FPS = 30.0
    RGB_SOCKET = dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_C
    TOF_SOCKET = dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_A
    class FPSCounter:
        def __init__(self):
            self.frameTimes = []
        def tick(self):
            now = time.time()
            self.frameTimes = self.frameTimes[-100:]
        def getFps(self):
            if len(self.frameTimes) <= 1:
                return 0
            # Calculate the FPS
            return (len(self.frameTimes) - 1) / (self.frameTimes[-1] - self.frameTimes[0])
    pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
    # Define sources and outputs
    camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
    tof = pipeline.create(dai.node.ToF)
    camTof = pipeline.create(dai.node.Camera)
    sync = pipeline.create(dai.node.Sync)
    align = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageAlign)
    out = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
    # ToF settings
    # rgb settings
    camRgb.setIspScale(1, 2)
    depthSize = (1280,800) #PLEASE SET TO BE SIZE OF THE TOF STREAM
    rgbSize = camRgb.getIspSize()
    sync.setSyncThreshold(timedelta(seconds=0.5 / FPS))
    rgbSize = camRgb.getIspSize()
    # Linking
    def colorizeDepth(frameDepth):
        invalidMask = frameDepth == 0
        # Log the depth, minDepth and maxDepth
            minDepth = np.percentile(frameDepth[frameDepth != 0], 3)
            maxDepth = np.percentile(frameDepth[frameDepth != 0], 95)
            logDepth = np.log(frameDepth, where=frameDepth != 0)
            logMinDepth = np.log(minDepth)
            logMaxDepth = np.log(maxDepth)
            np.nan_to_num(logDepth, copy=False, nan=logMinDepth)
            # Clip the values to be in the 0-255 range
            logDepth = np.clip(logDepth, logMinDepth, logMaxDepth)
            # Interpolate only valid logDepth values, setting the rest based on the mask
            depthFrameColor = np.interp(logDepth, (logMinDepth, logMaxDepth), (0, 255))
            depthFrameColor = np.nan_to_num(depthFrameColor)
            depthFrameColor = depthFrameColor.astype(np.uint8)
            depthFrameColor = cv2.applyColorMap(depthFrameColor, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
            # Set invalid depth pixels to black
            depthFrameColor[invalidMask] = 0
        except IndexError:
            # Frame is likely empty
            depthFrameColor = np.zeros((frameDepth.shape[0], frameDepth.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        return depthFrameColor
    rgbWeight = 0.4
    depthWeight = 0.6
    def updateBlendWeights(percentRgb):
        Update the rgb and depth weights used to blend depth/rgb image
        @param[in] percent_rgb The rgb weight expressed as a percentage (0..100)
        global depthWeight
        global rgbWeight
        rgbWeight = float(percentRgb) / 100.0
        depthWeight = 1.0 - rgbWeight
    # Connect to device and start pipeline
    remapping = True
    with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
        queue = device.getOutputQueue("out", 8, False)
        # Configure windows; trackbar adjusts blending ratio of rgb/depth
        rgbDepthWindowName = "rgb-depth"
            "RGB Weight %",
            int(rgbWeight * 100),
            calibData = device.readCalibration2()
            M1 = np.array(calibData.getCameraIntrinsics(ALIGN_SOCKET, *depthSize))
            D1 = np.array(calibData.getDistortionCoefficients(ALIGN_SOCKET))
            M2 = np.array(calibData.getCameraIntrinsics(RGB_SOCKET, *rgbSize))
            D2 = np.array(calibData.getDistortionCoefficients(RGB_SOCKET))
                T = (
                    np.array(calibData.getCameraTranslationVector(ALIGN_SOCKET, RGB_SOCKET, False))
                    * 10
                )  # to mm for matching the depth
            except RuntimeError:
                T = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.001])
                R = np.array(calibData.getCameraExtrinsics(ALIGN_SOCKET, RGB_SOCKET, False))[
                    0:3, 0:3
            except RuntimeError:
                R = np.eye(3)
            TARGET_MATRIX = M1
            lensPosition = calibData.getLensPosition(RGB_SOCKET)
        fpsCounter = FPSCounter()
        while True:
            messageGroup = queue.get()
            assert isinstance(messageGroup, dai.MessageGroup)
            frameRgb = messageGroup["rgb"]
            assert isinstance(frameRgb, dai.ImgFrame)
            frameDepth = messageGroup["depth_aligned"]
            assert isinstance(frameDepth, dai.ImgFrame)
            sizeRgb = frameRgb.getData().size
            sizeDepth = frameDepth.getData().size
            # Blend when both received
            if frameDepth is not None:
                rgbFrame = frameRgb.getCvFrame()
                # Colorize the aligned depth
                alignedDepthColorized = colorizeDepth(frameDepth.getFrame())
                # Resize depth to match the rgb frame
                    f"FPS: {fpsCounter.getFps():.2f}",
                    (10, 30),
                    (255, 255, 255),
                cv2.imshow("depth", alignedDepthColorized)
                key = cv2.waitKey(1)
                if key == ord("m"):
                    if remapping:
                        print("Remap turned OFF.")
                        remapping = False
                        print("Remap turned ON.")
                        remapping = True
                if remapping:
                    mapX, mapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
                        M2, D2, None, M2, rgbSize, cv2.CV_32FC1
                    rgbFrame = cv2.remap(rgbFrame, mapX, mapY, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
                blended = cv2.addWeighted(
                    rgbFrame, rgbWeight, alignedDepthColorized, depthWeight, 0
                cv2.imshow(rgbDepthWindowName, blended)
            key = cv2.waitKey(1)
            if key == ord("q"):


      Thank you, I will look at this updated file. I will try to implement this into my tof-depth point cloud script. However will you guys create or update the tof-depth script to align with the new changes?


        With adjustments being done to the TOF-RGB alignment script, does this affect the TOF-PointCloud script that your team has created?

          My last question for now is in regard of the camera intrinsic and extrinsic values. I know that extrinsic values are retrieved from calibration and they do not affect the focal length or FOV. More so its location and orientation. In contrast of the intrinsic values which can be retrieved by a python script that you guys have created. The intrinsic parameters of a camera depend on how it captures the images. Parameters such as focal length, aperture, field-of-view, resolution, etc govern the intrinsic matrix of a camera model. Does the intrinsic or extrinsic value need to be in the script that captures the point cloud(pcd or ply file)? Or does it need to be implemented into the script that does the icp or global registration?

          I assume tof-rgb alignment is not affected by the implementation of the values however I am unsure that these values do play an affect on how the camera captures point cloud or capture depth.

          Python script from here:
          For testing purposes I have added my intrinsic values and and pinhole intrinsic in bold to see if my point cloud would look any different.

          import depthai as dai

          import numpy as np

          import cv2

          import time

          from datetime import timedelta

          import datetime

          import os

          import sys


          import open3d as o3d

          except ImportError:

          sys.exit("Critical dependency missing: Open3D. Please install it using the command: '{} -m pip install open3d' and then rerun the script.".format(sys.executable))

          FPS = 30

          RGB_SOCKET = dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_C

          TOF_SOCKET = dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_A


          pipeline = dai.Pipeline()

          # Define sources and outputs

          camRgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)

          tof = pipeline.create(dai.node.ToF)

          camTof = pipeline.create(dai.node.Camera)

          sync = pipeline.create(dai.node.Sync)

          align = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageAlign)

          out = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)

          pointcloud = pipeline.create(dai.node.PointCloud)

          # Camera intrinsic parameters (ensure I am using the correct calibration values)

          fx = 494.35192765 # Update with my calibrated value

          fy = 499.48351759 # Update with my calibrated value

          cx = 321.84779556 # Update with my calibrated value

          cy = 218.30442303 # Update with my calibrated value

          intrinsic = o3d.camera.PinholeCameraIntrinsic(width=640, height=480, fx=fx, fy=fy, cx=cx, cy=cy)

          # ToF settings




          tofConfig = tof.initialConfig.get()

          # choose a median filter or use none - using the median filter improves the pointcloud but causes discretization of the data

          tofConfig.median = dai.MedianFilter.KERNEL_7x7

          # tofConfig.median = dai.MedianFilter.KERNEL_5x5

          # tofConfig.median = dai.MedianFilter.KERNEL_7x7


          # rgb settings





          depthSize = (1280,800) #PLEASE SET TO BE SIZE OF THE TOF STREAM

          rgbSize = camRgb.getIspSize()


          sync.setSyncThreshold(timedelta(seconds=(0.5 / FPS)))

          rgbSize = camRgb.getIspSize()

          # Linking




          # align.outputAligned.link(sync.inputs["depth_aligned"])







          def colorizeDepth(frameDepth):

          invalidMask = frameDepth == 0
              minDepth = np.percentile(frameDepth[frameDepth != 0], 3)
              maxDepth = np.percentile(frameDepth[frameDepth != 0], 95)
              logDepth = np.log(frameDepth, where=frameDepth != 0)
              logMinDepth = np.log(minDepth)
              logMaxDepth = np.log(maxDepth)
              np.nan_to_num(logDepth, copy=False, nan=logMinDepth)
              logDepth = np.clip(logDepth, logMinDepth, logMaxDepth)
              depthFrameColor = np.interp(logDepth, (logMinDepth, logMaxDepth), (0, 255))
              depthFrameColor = np.nan_to_num(depthFrameColor)
              depthFrameColor = depthFrameColor.astype(np.uint8)
              depthFrameColor = cv2.applyColorMap(depthFrameColor, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
              depthFrameColor[invalidMask] = 0
          except IndexError:
              depthFrameColor = np.zeros((frameDepth.shape[0], frameDepth.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
          except Exception as e:
              raise e
          return depthFrameColor

          rgbWeight = 0.4

          depthWeight = 0.6

          def updateBlendWeights(percentRgb):

          global depthWeight
          global rgbWeight
          rgbWeight = float(percentRgb) / 100.0
          depthWeight = 1.0 - rgbWeight

          with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:

          isRunning = True
          q = device.getOutputQueue(name="out", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
          vis = o3d.visualization.VisualizerWithKeyCallback()
          pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
          coordinateFrame = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=1000, origin=[0,0,0])
          first = True
          view_control = vis.get_view_control()
          while isRunning:
              inMessage = q.get()
              inColor = inMessage["rgb"]
              inPointCloud = inMessage["pcl"]
              cvColorFrame = inColor.getCvFrame()
              cvRGBFrame = cv2.cvtColor(cvColorFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
              cv2.imshow("color", cvColorFrame)
              key = cv2.waitKey(1)
              if key == ord('q'):
              if key == ord('c'):
                  current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
                  formatted_time = current_time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
                  new_output = formatted_time
                  o3d.io.write_point_cloud(os.path.join(new_output, "tof_pointcloud.ply"), pcd)
                  cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(new_output, "Image_of_material.png"), cvColorFrame)
                  print(f"RGB point cloud saved to folder {new_output}")
              if inPointCloud:
                  points = inPointCloud.getPoints().astype(np.float64)
                  points[:, 1] = -points[:, 1]  # Invert Y axis
                  pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points)
                  colors = (cvRGBFrame.reshape(-1, 3) / 255.0).astype(np.float64)
                  pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors)
                  if first:
                      first = False

            apirrone Likely with depthai V3

            gdeanrexroth Yup.

            gdeanrexroth Does the intrinsic or extrinsic value need to be in the script that captures the point cloud(pcd or ply file)? Or does it need to be implemented into the script that does the icp or global registration?

            In the pointcloud generation. The idea is to create a colorized pointcloud -- depth needs to be aligned to RGB. This can only be done by knowing the extrinsics from RGB to stereo, and intrinsics of rgb and the rectified stereo frames.



              Nice, thank you for the update. Overall until you guys fix the tof-rgb alignment and release the depthai V3. I can assume that I will not be able to make any more progress on my current project utilizing the ToF senor to generate point cloud. Until the Luxonis team fixes this issue, correct? I've tried stereo depth to generate point cloud but it gave me similar results in regard of misaligned point cloud, but I will try again.

              I believe that you placed a stereo depth point cloud in one the discussion threads that I have created. It does works however it generates the point cloud in a narrow shape. So I am still reading documentation on the different settings and parameters that are appropriate for me use case. Most of my objects will be 20cm to 50 cm away from the camera.

                jakaskerl Likely with depthai V3

                Ok, and any timeline on the release of this version ?

                I'm a little confused. If there is a bug in the ImageAlign node in firmware, how did you get such a perfectly aligned point cloud here ?


                  gdeanrexroth Overall until you guys fix the tof-rgb alignment and release the depthai V3. I can assume that I will not be able to make any more progress on my current project utilizing the ToF senor to generate point cloud. Until the Luxonis team fixes this issue, correct?

                  The new script I sent aims to fix this issue. We will probably just change the example (not sure what the current idea is for depthai). The only thing different seems to be the RGB undistortion. You can continue to develop the project just make sure you undistort the RGB camera.

                  apirrone I'm a little confused. If there is a bug in the ImageAlign node in firmware, how did you get such a perfectly aligned point cloud here ?

                  This was done here iirc.


                    So with the file that you sent me, I was able to run it. And it successfully displayed the tof and rgb color camera window. I then processed to apply a method for me to save both rgb-color camera and tof depth. Below are the examples. there is still misalignment(which i assume is expected right now), but it does seem to pick up objects that are behind my purple bottle. Along with the space between the back wall and the front of the cardboard box

                      gdeanrexroth The correct angle displays perfect alignment, but as a i rotate the .ply file you can see the gaps and holes. Even with pre and post processing filtering, it winds up the same. Better but still misaligned. I can and will continue my project however it heavily relies on displaying align material and parts point cloud. That's a huge part of the project with the camera. The expected results should look like the ToF Demo video.

                      @jakaskerl Here is somewhat of a better example.

                        More examples of the new script point cloud, some improvements are noticeable. But from the side again everything is not fully aligned.

                        With the pictures I attached above somewhat explains my side of the project as well. Without the fully, formed point cloud my team and I will not be able to view our material/parts in a 3d(point cloud) format. This results are with me undistorting the RGB camera. So I am still unsure if I can make much more progress on my side since the issue is being fixed internally by you and your team.

                          gdeanrexroth The correct angle displays perfect alignment, but as a i rotate the .ply file you can see the gaps and holes.

                          That is expected and is a result of occlusion.. This can't be fixed at all since information is missing.

                          gdeanrexroth So I am still unsure if I can make much more progress on my side since the issue is being fixed internally by you and your team.

                          The only fix on our part is include the RGB undistortion that was missed in the original release..



                          Undistorting the rgb doesn't help for me

                          Without rgb undistort :

                          With rgb undistort:

                          It's probably because I'm using fisheye lenses.
                          Using cv2.fisheye.initUndistortRectifyMap(...) doesn't help

                            With undistorting not working properly are there any steps you recommend us to take? Or do we have to wait until depthai v3?

                            I doubt that this is my issue but can incorrect calibration of misalignment? I have tried undistorting but it seemed to not work. I am new to the computer vision world so I am unaware of few terms. This is my result of using undistorting