Baseline for the camera is 20mm and the ToF is 20cm - 5m. How does this affect the AOC and FOV? Does the FOV and AOC affect point cloud and pcds distribution? If i could implement them within the code that captures the pcd, would that potentially help?

I suggest you modify the tof config according to the docs. The phase unwrapping level for example, seems a bit high and will introduce a bunch of unnecessary noise.

Can't say for the host side o3d drawing; could you use the same approach as this example:

or create pointcloud on device and use:


    1. I have tried to changing the value for it based off the distance between the camera and the object. I am seeing what gives me the best result.
    2. Main.py method/usage of open3d is a good reference, but the script i have to visuzlaize the pcd is this
    import open3d as o3d
    # Path to the .pcd file
    pcd_file_path = r'S:gcolor_pcd_1.pcd'# Load the point cloudpcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(pcd_file_path)
    # Visualize the point cloud
    o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd], window_name="ToF Point Cloud")
    3. The on device point cloud method from that link does not work. I believe you have sent me a link to some an updated version of the script and it worked. I have moidified the script some previous times to test but the error of this:
    inMessage = q.get()
    Always pop up in my terminal.

    Could it possibly be the way I am utilizing open3d? I have tried methods for visualizatio , which stitches two point cloud into one. But I am still left left with unnecessary noise. Adjusting the depthscale and depth_trunc does somewhat changes the output of my pcd whenever i visualize it. The snippet is apart of my code. I am using open3d here to convert the depth from the tof sensor and color camera. Currently the distance from the object to the camera is roughly 170 cm apart. For testing purposes I specifically want to only capture that distance, but I am still getting some type of noise at the type view and unnecessary noise from the side views:
    # Convert depth image to Open3D format

                **depth_o3d = o3d.geometry.Image(depth_map)**
                **color_o3d = o3d.geometry.Image(cv2.cvtColor(color_frame_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))**
                **# Generate and save colored point cloud**
                **rgbd_image = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(**
                    **color_o3d, depth_o3d, depth_scale=1700.0, depth_trunc=3.7, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False**

    The pcd that I captured using the tof sensor and color camera was tested in another way. I placed the captured pcd into a online website that converts it to a point cloud. I noticed that it displayed the same as my code.
    I will look at the tof configuration again along with the point cloud code. I am somewhat close to figuring this out but I am still lost in some areas. Here is the screenshot of the website pcd.

    The json below is the saved depth information of the captured pcd from my script.

    **"class_name" : "PinholeCameraParameters",**
    **"extrinsic" :** 
    **"intrinsic" :** 
    	**"height" : 1009,**
    	**"intrinsic_matrix" :** 
    	**"width" : 1920**
    **"version_major" : 1,**
    **"version_minor" : 0**


    the object is 167 cm away from the front of the camera. Do i apply to this to the phaseunwrappinglevel? Would mine be set to 0 since my distance is less than 1.87 meters? I have tried that but it still doesn't remove the unnecessary noise. I have looked at most of your the links you have recommended and modified my code as so. Calibrating the camera, getting both intrinsic and extrinsic values helped out a lot. Also setting the tof configuration values based off luxonis documentations. Simple modifications based off documentation has helped out a lot. But the only issue that I am steady running into is the unnecessary noise.

    Could my background(the reflective ceiling lights, the glossy floor and cabinets, etc)?

      External lights could contribute to the noise. From our tests (let me quote): more light makes more outliers and also it make bigger variance of the error.

      What do you mean by unnecessary noise? How much noise are we talking about. I'm afraid you are reaching HW limits. The image you sent looks pretty good.


        Can you explain the HW limits you are referring to?

        It may not be unnecessary noise, but what I am trying to express is more so the formality of the objects at hand. Here are examples of what I mean. I am providing the tof depth and rgb window to show you depth and raw color image. The provide screenshot shows the side of the point cloud. I have used the global registration method to combine two point clouds into one. It does look good as you have said. I agree with that. I wondering why the sides are struggling to form.

          The issue I am coming in with is that with both filtration and just displaying the point cloud as it is. I am still experiencing lingering point clouds. Versus getting the pcd to look like this. So again the point cloud that I have is cleaned. Yet I am trying to get it to form like the example below. I took this example from the link:https://www.open3d.org/docs/latest/tutorial/Advanced/pointcloud_outlier_removal.html
          Also i have applied global, icp registration to the pcd and the outcome has been nearly the same as it without the filters. Could this be a calculation issue or maybe something that I am not directly doing right?


          gdeanrexroth I have 287685 points within the pcd file. Is this too much to capture at one time?

          As long as you PC is capable enough, no.

          gdeanrexroth I have used the global registration method to combine two point clouds into one.

          The pointclouds don't look fully aligned.. I know you don't need alignment to perform global registration but this seems off.
          How do stereo and tof images look like? I would suspect that if the perspectives are too different, the registration won't work.


            jakaskerl Yes the points are not aligning. I have tried both icp and global registration. I will try to find a way to give you both stereo and tof. I have already given you the tof in the above image. The registration process works, it does remove the outlier points and remove back points. My last goal is simply having it combine into one, and having the objects points aligned together as one.