- Edited
jakaskerl **Update**
I will check my OAK-D-SR-POE json file. I will edit this to confirm what i see.
Below is my previous OAK-SR-POE.json. I updated my json to match yours, the camera now cuts on and it doesn't throw an error. However I do not have a physical board. If I do use my computer screen to display the board, how would that impact my calibration? Again one of my main goals is to use the camera to capture/generate point cloud data. Displaying the clearest pcd as a possible.
Update- I have ran the script as prompted, I pressed the space bar to start capturing the images, but got this as a response. The board is displayed on my computer monitor, it identify the corners as expected but can't recognized the board. I am using the 24inch 13x7 board with this command{python calibrate.py -db charuco_24inch_13x7 -nx 13 -ny 7 -c 1 -cd 0 -s 4 -ms 3 -brd OAK-D-SR-POE} initiating the code. Can i print out the board and try calibration?
"py: Saved image as: dataset\right\p0_0.png
Status of right is True
Time stamp of tof is 2 days, 20:36:45.198781
Markers count ... 0
Total markers needed -> 18
Status of tof is False
py: Capture failed, unable to find chessboard! Fix position and press spacebar again"
"name": "OAK-D-SR-POE",
"revision": "R0M0E0",
"CAM_B": {
"name": "left",
"hfov": 71.86,
"type": "tof",
"extrinsics": {
"to_cam": "CAM_C",
"specTranslation": {
"x": -2.0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"r": 0,
"p": 0,
"y": 0
"CAM_C": {
"name": "right",
"hfov": 71.86,
"type": "color",
"extrinsics": {
"to_cam": "CAM_A",
"specTranslation": {
"x": -1.7382,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"r": 0,
"p": 0,
"y": 0
"CAM_A": {
"name": "rgb",
"hfov": 71.86,
"type": "tof"
"left_cam": "CAM_B",
"right_cam": "CAM_C"