ApilChaudhary How do I get the calibration data(intrinsic parameters) for OAKD Pro-W? And in integrating with ROS for rgbd pipeline where do I have to change the device_type or camera parameters as I am continuosly switching between OAKD Pro and OAKD Pro-W?
jakaskerl ApilChaudhary You can subscribe to camera info topic to view the intrinsics of a specific camera. For rgb camera: /oak/rgb/camera_info Not sure what you mean by device_type; you would need custom code for that I think. Thanks, Jaka
jakaskerl Hi @ApilChaudhary There is currently no way to get the device name, but if you are trying to differentiate between NFOV and WFOV cameras, then looking at the intrinsics of the W camera should help you. Thanks, Jaka