Hi, for the sake for simplicity, I'm going to write out my issues/what I tried in bullet points rather than full sentences…
Turned on RAE, I see rae logo on the screen, cannot scan QR code
According to https://docs-beta.luxonis.com/deploy/troubleshooting/common-issues that means that the agent is not running
Tried connecting to the RAE's wifi hotspot… I was able to connect to it, but it randomly decides to kick me out after like a minute after trying to follow https://docs-beta.luxonis.com/deploy/connect-device/rae
I connect the RAE over the USB, and I am able to connect to it over SSH
I follow the rest of https://docs-beta.luxonis.com/deploy/connect-device/rae to set up the wpa supplicant
I reboot RAE
Still nothing
I try doing ping google.com, and it says ping: bad address 'google.com'
I try following one of the answers in this post: https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/2236-rae-connecting-without-robothub, which seems to have slightly different instructions
Still doesn't work, cannot ping google
I run robothub-ctl status, and I see that the version number I have seems to be lower than the one in the official documentation
I try connecting my RAE via the web UI shown… it says that it was able to add the robot, but it doesn't show up in RobotHub, probably because my RAE still isn't connected to the Internet
So yeah, that's a summary of my issue so far. I got my RAE two days ago, so I'm not sure if I just got a bad batch.