Recently I stopped being able to detect our Oak-D-S2 camera with the error in the title thrown. The problem occurred using a long (not-included cable) that I have successfully been using for months. I noticed the device had stopped working just after I had performed a system update (I believe the camera was plugged in during said update).

Computer Specs:

Packages Updated During sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade:

Packages removed During sudo apt autoremove:

When Plugging in the Camera I recieve the following in my dmesg log:

When Unplugging the Camera I receive the following in my dmesg log:

When Trying to access the camera using

Other Potentially related errors (occur sometimes during pluggin or unplugging device:

Additionally the following dmesg output has occured while plugging the devicein:
usb usb3-port1 connect-debounce failed

lsusb output (while device is plugged in):

So far I have attempted the following:

  1. Power cycling ( 😆 )
  2. Tried several different cables one of which is ~ 1' long USB-type C to USB-type C labeled 'SS'
  3. Tried two different computers (Ubuntu 20.04 (primary), Windows 10 (secondary)
  4. Tried re-installing non-nvidia packages removed during sudo apt autoremove

Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated!


  • jakaskerl replied to this.
  • Thanks for the reply. I noticed that the problem is because of active USB extender, I changed the cable and I can get enough bandwidth.

    Hi pkyleUPI
    This seems strange; while it's most likely just a driver issue I am confused about the problem presenting itself on a windows machine as well. Can you add some info for the windows 10 PC when connecting the device to it (any errors/ logs you can find)? Maybe try it on a different ubuntu machine if you can do that.
    I doubt the device got bricked during apt update.


      jakaskerl ,
      When The device is plugged in on my Window's machine here's the device manager usb list:

      Note, I didn't see any change in the device list when the camera was plugged in.

      Here is the output when I try to run the depthAI python app:

      It seems both computers are having a hard time detecting the device. My initial thought was that some how, via updating, I bricked the camera. This suspicion was raised, especially when I tried to use it on my windows machine. I am; however, not well versed with debugging systems like this in the windows environment.

        Hi pkyleUPI
        That would be very unlikely i guess since the update doesn't affect the usb device (maybe when updating the kernel you could cause driver issues but that would not brick the device). Its more likely that there is a problem with a USB cable. Any chance you could use the stock usb cable that came with the device on the Windows machine? I have a feeling the Ubuntu usb drivers could be broken, but also that a bad usb was used when testing on a WIN PC.


          I'll have to wait until next week to try with the stock cable. I will say that I was using a short USB cable rated to 10Gbps. Are there any indicator lights on the device to indicate a power state or error state?

          Cheers, thanks for the help thus far.

            Hi pkyleUPI
            Can't say for sure, the specs look ok but there might be something else going on.

            pkyleUPI Are there any indicator lights on the device to indicate a power state or error state?

            For s2, no. But you might get more info by using a USB power meter to check if device is powered on correctly.


            Ok, I have some more info. I'm now using the stock cable that came with the device. Additionally I've added my main workstation to the list of tested computers (last week I was working remotely on my Linux/windows laptops). Unlike my Linux laptop. I have not updated this computer since the last time I was successfully using the Oak-D-S2 on it.
            When plugging the device in to my work station, I get a single output in my Dmesg log:

            When using the stock cable with my Linux Laptop:

            When using the stock cable with my Window's laptop, the errors are unchanged from my previous photo.

            I think its clear to me at this point that whatever is going on is agnostic to the cable or OS/computer. All three of these machines have successfully run the camera before with both our project's code and Luxonis' example libraries.

            [UPDATE]: Additionally, I've plugged in an Oak 1 Lite we had lying around and it works great on my workstation!

            • erik replied to this.

              Hi pkyleUPI ,
              This, unfortunately, does look like a hardware issue. Could you contact, and link them this discussion link, so we can replace the device?
              Thanks, Erik

                a year later

                I have five cameras connected to a laptop using an active USB extender. However, one of the cameras randomly stops working with an X_link error related to limited bandwidth. Everything works fine when I limit the USB speed to High. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Noted that sometimes everything works fine without any issues.

                Thank you.

                  7 days later

                  Thanks for the reply. I noticed that the problem is because of active USB extender, I changed the cable and I can get enough bandwidth.

                  6 days later

                  Hi again. While the error was absent for a few days, it has reappeared this morning. Everything was working fine until last night. I am checking the bandwidth and noticing that it reduces to Downlink: 335.6 Mbps, Uplink: 221.0 Mbps (using luxonis/depthai-experimentsblob/master/random-scripts/ If I set maxUsbSpeed = dai.UsbSpeed.SUPERPLUS, I get an Xlink error, so I have set maxUsbSpeed = dai.UsbSpeed.HIGH.

                    Does usb speed remain around the same each time you test now? What changed? Did you restart the host, used a different port, things like that? Try setting UsbSpeed to SUPER and retry.


                    Previoualy I saw the speed is aroufn 1800 Mbps and now it is 300. If I put UsbSpeed to super, I will get X_link error. I just truned off the camera for the first time in the last 5 days and rerun it again, so the error appears.

                    As a solution, I unplug the entire cables and replug them and now it works. I am not sure what the problem is and how to avoid it using the software

                      Thanks for letting me know! We'll be looking at USB issues.

                      22 days later

                      Thanks a lot for the help. I was wondering if there is update as I can see my bandwidth randomly changes using active cable extension

                        9 days later

                        Difficult to say what the cause is. An active cable should only amplify the signal and shouldn't affect the bandwidth. Perhaps there is a latency buildup which causes this.
