Oak-D-S2 "No Device Available"
I have five cameras connected to a laptop using an active USB extender. However, one of the cameras randomly stops working with an X_link error related to limited bandwidth. Everything works fine when I limit the USB speed to High. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Noted that sometimes everything works fine without any issues.
Thank you.
Can you provide some logs? What script are you trying to run? Can you do a luxonis/depthai-experimentsblob/master/random-scripts/oak_bandwidth_test.py as well to check.
Hi again. While the error was absent for a few days, it has reappeared this morning. Everything was working fine until last night. I am checking the bandwidth and noticing that it reduces to Downlink: 335.6 Mbps, Uplink: 221.0 Mbps (using luxonis/depthai-experimentsblob/master/random-scripts/oak_bandwidth_test.py). If I set maxUsbSpeed = dai.UsbSpeed.SUPERPLUS
, I get an Xlink error, so I have set maxUsbSpeed = dai.UsbSpeed.HIGH
Previoualy I saw the speed is aroufn 1800 Mbps and now it is 300. If I put UsbSpeed to super, I will get X_link error. I just truned off the camera for the first time in the last 5 days and rerun it again, so the error appears.
As a solution, I unplug the entire cables and replug them and now it works. I am not sure what the problem is and how to avoid it using the software
Thanks a lot for the help. I was wondering if there is update as I can see my bandwidth randomly changes using active cable extension