I created a docker image with depthai-python installed from rvc3_support branch. I'm able to ssh into the OAK-FFC-6P device through the bash of the container that was created using this docker image. But when I run the example code, it doesn't work. It throws 'no device available error'.
Docker File:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python3 git python3-pip
RUN mkdir depthai-ws
WORKDIR "/depthai-ws"
RUN git clone https://github.com/luxonis/depthai.git
WORKDIR "/depthai-ws/depthai"
RUN python3 install_requirements.py
WORKDIR "/depthai-ws"
RUN git clone https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-python.git
WORKDIR "/depthai-ws/depthai-python"
RUN git checkout rvc3_support
RUN python3 examples/install_requirements.py
WORKDIR "/depthai-ws/depthai-python/utilities"
RUN python3 install_requirements.py
WORKDIR "/depthai-ws/depthai-python"
CMD ["python3","examples/Stereo/stereo_preview.py"]
Docker run cmd:
sudo docker run -it --rm \
--privileged \\
--network=host \\
-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \\
--device-cgroup-rule='c 189:\* rmw' \\
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \\
depthai-app \\
Can anyone suggest what could've gone wrong?