
  • Sep 2, 2024
  • Joined Jun 7, 2024
  • 1 best answer
  • Hi camuser,

    you can try this code to see if the device is available:

    import depthai as dai
    from typing import List
    print('Searching for all available devices...\n')
    # Query all available devices (USB and POE OAK cameras)
    infos: List[dai.DeviceInfo] = dai.DeviceBootloader.getAllAvailableDevices()
    if len(infos) == 0:
        raise Exception("DepthAI couldn't find any available OAK device!")
    for info in infos:
        # Converts enum eg. 'XLinkDeviceState.X_LINK_UNBOOTED' to 'UNBOOTED'
        state = str(info.state).split('X_LINK_')[1]
        print(f"Found device '{}', MxId: '{info.mxid}', State: '{state}'")
    # Connect to a specific device. We will just take the first one
    print(f"\nBooting the first available camera ({infos[0].name})...")
    with dai.Device(dai.Pipeline(), infos[0], usb2Mode=False) as device:
        print("Available camera sensors: ", device.getCameraSensorNames())
        calib = device.readCalibration()
        eeprom = calib.getEepromData()
        print(f"Product name: {eeprom.productName}, board name {eeprom.boardName}")


  • Hi Hector,

    documentation of ToF depth accuracy is available in this link.

    There isn't any data on range at specific lighting conditions.
    However, if there is IR light present in your scene, it might affect the ToF sensor, since the ToF sensor uses its own IR light source for depth perception.
    Note: IR light is also present in sunlight


  • Hi adgbu,

    if you are using the latest version of depthai, you don't need to update your firmware.


  • Hi mathi4378,

    if you want to manually install depthai in a conda environment, check this link for how to install dependencies and depthai.
    Otherwise you can use the installer, which installs the dependencies and depthai: this link


  • There might be a problem with the calibration of your device
    You can give us the MXID of your device, so we can check if there was something wrong in the calibration process


    • glitchyordis

      is this what you are looking for?
      in the source code at the bottom, you get the current time stamp and the time stamp of the .get() command


    • We checked the calibration of your device.
      It was calibrated before we recently improved the calibration process.

      Write an email to and tell them about your problem.
      They will take care of it by replacing your device.
