Hi there. I recently bought a new OAK-D PRO camera (i have three in total), but the pointcloud generated through its depth/rgb image is significantly worse than the other two. Have you updated any hardware (the new one has a different cable)?
The bad depth precision for my new OAK-D PRO
you can see the depth information is completely wrong. I also give the generated point cloud in the same position but from my previous OAK-D PRO, you can see that the surface is much better.
Here is the case where i put this camera straightforwardly in front of me. You can see that its captured depth image is unusable. This only happens on my newly ordered camera
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I have updated depthai into
Hi RuixiaoZhang
My thoughts are that the calibration is worse on that one device, causing depth to be worse as well. You could try to perform a calibration which should improve the depth.
Also, you can give me the MXIDs of the devices so I can check if something went wrong with factory calibration.
jakaskerl The MXID is : 1844301031D538F500 . It's quite stange as my prevous two start with 1944xxx. I'm not sure whether it is an old version? Is it possible to replace this with a new one?
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We checked the calibration of your device.
It was calibrated before we recently improved the calibration process.
Write an email to support@luxonis.com and tell them about your problem.
They will take care of it by replacing your device.