i used a custom gesture detection from https://pyimagesearch.com/2023/05/01/training-the-yolov8-object-detector-for-oak-d/
after converting the pt to blob using the tool
  "model": {
    "xml": "yolov8ntrained.xml",
    "bin": "yolov8ntrained.bin"
  "nn_config": {
    "output_format": "detection",
    "NN_family": "YOLO",
    "input_size": "416x416",
    "NN_specific_metadata": {
      "classes": 5,
      "coordinates": 4,
      "anchors": [],
      "anchor_masks": {},
      "iou_threshold": 0.5,
      "confidence_threshold": 0.5
  "mappings": {
    "labels": [
  "version": 1
[DetectionNetwork(1)] [error] Mask is not defined for output layer with width '52'. Define at pipeline build time using: 'setAnchorMasks' for 'side52'.
this is the error i get
is this a issue i changed the default input size to 416x416 instead of 640x640
There is no anchormasks for the json file i provided
can u tell me what i did wrong?