I am having trouble getting External Sync working on an OAK FFC 4P with socket A OAK-FFC-IMX378-W and socket B/C connected to OAK-FFC-OV9282-W all with luxonis white flexes connected via USB3 to a workstation. The mono cameras stop running and the color camera occasionally triggers with corrupted frames. I have read forum posts and https://docs.luxonis.com/hardware/platform/deploy/frame-sync/. I am using depthai version and the luxonis provided "depthai\utilities\cam_test.py" script modified to uncomment the sync option "cam[c].initialControl.setFrameSyncMode(dai.CameraControl.FrameSyncMode.INPUT)", set default frame rate to 10Hz and set gpio 6 to output high. The external sync is driven through the PRBS connector pin 6(FSIN) and 7(GND) from an HP33120A function generator which creates a 1.8V squarewave at 10Hz +/- about 1 microsecond of error (jitter plus inaccuracy, verified on a scope) and each camera is receiving the signal at TP2 (FSIN). When no external signal is connected, the mono cameras start up and run at 10FPS, color camera no output. When external sync is commented out, as expected all cameras run at 10FPS, or using the unmodified script - 30FPS. This forum post https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/5323-hardware-trigger-synchronization-including-rgb-image-oakd-s2/20 seems very similar with the same visual artifacts; does external sync work? If so, could luxonis provide a minimal script with 2 mono and 1 color cameras so I can continue to debug the hardware? Are there maximum or minimum pulse width/duty cycle requirements? I have tried 20-50% duty cycles. Thank you.