• Hardware
  • Issues Connecting Raspberry Pi HQ Cameras to Luxonis FFC4 UC-244 Adapter


We have several Luxonis FFC4 boards and Raspberry Pi HQ cameras, and we're trying to connect the cameras to the FFC boards using the UC-244 adapter boards we ordered (https://shop.luxonis.com/products/oak-ffc-2rpi-tbd).

Currently, we're unable to get the IMX477-based HQ camera to work, although the global shutter camera functions correctly. We have verified the board's functionality with a Raspberry Pi 5.

Are there any solder pins on the UC-244 adapter board that need to be set, or are there programming options we may have overlooked? I’m reaching out because there is no documentation available for the UC-244 adapter board.

Thank you!

    Might be that the IMX uses RPI's PiVariety-protocol which makes our I2C logic not work.. Can you post the link to IMX477 camera?


    This post from the Luxonis Site Says.

    That the HQ Camera should work with the mentioned Adapter.

      cc @Luxonis-Alex can you tell if this one has the PiVariery, causing it not to work?


      I've conducted further testing and found that reverting to an older DepthAI version allows one IMX477 to work intermittently:

      python3 -m pip install --extra-index-url https://artifacts.luxonis.com/artifactory/luxonis-python-snapshot-local/ depthai==

      The board itself is fully functional, as I have successfully used four Arducam IMX477 cameras. However, it seems there may be an issue with the board's reset function.

      Additionally, I noticed a discrepancy in an older post (https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/2089-adapter-board-for-raspberry-pi-global-shutter-camera) where the circuit shows resistors R3 and R4 installed, which is not the case with my adapter board.

      As a next step, I plan to try removing the R7 resistor from the HQ Camera Module.

      Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

      Should be no problem here with "PiVariety" as that's Arducam specific.
      I'll check later about the missing resistors, but we also have the HW design open-sourced here: luxonis/depthai-hardwaretree/master/SL6996_OAK-FFC_15pin-RPi

      And just to confirm, you're using the Luxonis SL6996 connector adapter as in above pictures, and not Arducam's UC-244? The latter definitely doesn't work with RPi HQ cam and OAK-FFC due to some different voltage. For reference, this one below is UC-244, original vs modded to fix the reset line

      Yes I confirm that we have the new one. We also have the old green one which is also not working even with the mentioned modifications.

      5 days later

      I conducted additional tests, and the reset circuit appears to be functioning as expected. The 1.8V from Luxonis is being successfully converted to 3.3V

      The red line represents the Luxonis signal, while the blue line indicates the signal after the adapter circuit. The voltage drop across the 22Ω R8 resistor is not affecting the output.

      @Luxonis-Alex The resistors are not the issue, as the circuit is functioning as expected. Could this be a timing issue? Is there a specific DepthAI version or FFC firmware that I should try?

      12 days later

      So the Luxonis SL6996 Adapter isnt working for the HQ Camera ? Or are we using a wrong DepthAI Version ?