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Box Measurement - with AI and ToF

Measuring boxes by hand can be a tedious task, but automation offers a better solution. This box measurement app uses advanced technology to determine the dimensions of a box quickly and accurately. Let's dive into how this app works and the tech behind it.

How it works

Here's the step-by-step:

  1. Box detection: AI identifies the box. I have used Roboflow to train a custom object detection NN model.
  2. Data capture: ToF depth sensor is aligned to color stream on-device, and provides accurate RGB-D stream. App will crop the depth map based on (padded) bounding box, and provide pointcloud of only the box, which achieves best results.
  3. Analysis: Using the Open3D library along with custom algorithms we first estimate the top plane of the box and then use OpenCV to extract minimal area of the top plane (to get width and length). Once we have box's top plane along with ground plane we can also calculate height of the box. We developed BoxEstimator class that encapsulates data processing for this application.
  4. Visualization: Depthai-viewer (based on Rerun) is used for a clear, visual representation of the results; color frame with box detection (along with dimensions), depth map, and sparse/dense pointclouds.

Industry use-cases

Various industries that could benefit from such a solution:

  • E-commerce/Retail: Measure shipping boxes to optimize packaging and reduce costs.
  • Manufacturing: Ensure product dimensions meet specifications without manual checks.
  • Logistics: Speed up the process of sorting and categorizing packages in warehouses.

Dimensioning Accuracy

We are still working on improvements, but the video suggests there's <5mm error on each dimension! Here are the GT dimensions:

  1. box is 26.5 x 30cm & 20cm in height
  2. box is 18.5 x 28cm & 18cm in height
  3. box is 11 x 20cm & 7.5cm in height

OAK-D SR PoE (Short Range /w ToF)

I have based this app on the OAK-D-SR-POE (initial release in a few weeks!), as it has the best close-range perception due to its ToF sensor. It also has edge-AI inferencing capabilities, making it the perfect candidate for this application.

The ToF sensor has a depth error of <1% indoors, and <2% outdoors.

Reproduce: The Code

Code /w instructions available here.

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
from depthai_sdk.classes.packets import DetectionPacket, PointcloudPacket
from depthai_sdk.classes.box_estimator import BoxEstimator
import depthai_viewer as viewer
import cv2
import subprocess
import select
import sys

FPS = 10.0
box = BoxEstimator(median_window=10)

with OakCamera() as oak:
        subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-m", "depthai_viewer", "--viewer-mode"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
    viewer.init("Depthai Viewer")

    color = oak.create_camera('cam_c', resolution='800p', fps=20)

    model_config = {
        'source': 'roboflow', # Specify that we are downloading the model from Roboflow
        'key':'dDOP8nC4A9rZzWUTG8ia' # Fake API key, replace with your own!
    nn = oak.create_nn(model_config, color)

    tof = oak.create_tof(fps=20)
    tof.set_align_to(color, output_size=(640, 400))

    pointcloud = oak.create_pointcloud(tof)

    q = oak.queue([
    ]).configure_syncing(enable_sync=True, threshold_ms=500//FPS).get_queue()
    # oak.show_graph()

    viewer.log_rigid3(f"Right", child_from_parent=([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]), xyz="RDF", timeless=True)
    viewer.log_rigid3(f"Cropped", child_from_parent=([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]), xyz="RDF", timeless=True)

    def draw_mesh():
        pos,ind,norm = box.get_plane_mesh(size=500)
        viewer.log_mesh("Right/Plane", pos, indices=ind, normals=norm, albedo_factor=[0.5,1,0], timeless=True)

    if box.is_calibrated():
        print("Calibrate first, write 'c' in terminal when most of the view is flat floor!!")

    while oak.running():
        packets = q.get()

        nn: DetectionPacket = packets["nn"]
        cvFrame = nn.frame[..., ::-1] # BGR to RGB
        depth = packets["tof"].frame
        pcl_packet: PointcloudPacket = packets["pcl"]
        points = pcl_packet.points

        # Convert 800P into 400P into 256000x3
        colors_640 = cv2.pyrDown(cvFrame).reshape(-1, 3)
        viewer.log_points("Right/PointCloud", points.reshape(-1, 3), colors=colors_640)
        # Depth map visualize
        viewer.log_depth_image("depth/frame", depth, meter=1e3)
        viewer.log_image("video/color", cvFrame)

        if box.is_calibrated():
            if 0 == len(nn.detections):
                continue # No boxes found
            # Currently supports only 1 detection (box) at a time
            det = nn.detections[0]
            # Get the bounding box of the detection (relative to full frame size)
            # Add 10% padding on all sides
            box_bb = nn.bbox.get_relative_bbox(det.bbox)
            padded_box_bb = box_bb.add_padding(0.1)
            points_roi = pcl_packet.crop_points(padded_box_bb).reshape(-1, 3)

            dimensions, corners = box.process_points(points_roi)
            if corners is None:

            viewer.log_points("Cropped/Box_PCL", box.box_pcl)
            viewer.log_points("Cropped/Plane_PCL", box.plane_pcl, colors=(0.2,1.0,0.6))
            # viewer.log_points("Cropped/TopSide_PCL", box.top_side_pcl, colors=(1,0.3,0.6))
            viewer.log_points(f"Cropped/Box_Corners", corners, radii=8, colors=(1.0,0,0.0))

            corners = box.inverse_corner_points()
            viewer.log_points(f"Right/Box_Corners", corners, radii=8, colors=(1.0,0,0.0))
            viewer.log_line_segments(f"Right/Box_Edges", box.get_3d_lines(corners), stroke_width=4, color=(1.0,0,0.0))

            l,w,h = dimensions
            label = f"{det.label_str} ({det.confidence:.2f})\n{l/10:.1f} x {w/10:.1f}\nH: {h/10:.1f} cm"
                    label="Padded BoundingBox",

        key = oak.poll()
        ready, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.001) # Terminal input
        if ready:
            key = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
        if key == 'c':
            if box.calibrate(points):
                print(f"Calibrated Plane: {box.ground_plane_eq}")

Let me know your thoughts in the commentsπŸ™‚

Comments (0)

Measuring boxes by hand can be a tedious task, but automation offers a better solution. This box measurement app uses advanced technology to determine the dimensions of a box quickly and accurately. Let's dive into how this app works and the tech behind it.

How it works

Here's the step-by-step:

  1. Box detection: AI identifies the box. I have used Roboflow to train a custom object detection NN model.
  2. Data capture: ToF depth sensor is aligned to color stream on-device, and provides accurate RGB-D stream. App will crop the depth map based on (padded) bounding box, and provide pointcloud of only the box, which achieves best results.
  3. Analysis: Using the Open3D library along with custom algorithms we first estimate the top plane of the box and then use OpenCV to extract minimal area of the top plane (to get width and length). Once we have box's top plane along with ground plane we can also calculate height of the box. We developed BoxEstimator class that encapsulates data processing for this application.
  4. Visualization: Depthai-viewer (based on Rerun) is used for a clear, visual representation of the results; color frame with box detection (along with dimensions), depth map, and sparse/dense pointclouds.

Industry use-cases

Various industries that could benefit from such a solution:

  • E-commerce/Retail: Measure shipping boxes to optimize packaging and reduce costs.
  • Manufacturing: Ensure product dimensions meet specifications without manual checks.
  • Logistics: Speed up the process of sorting and categorizing packages in warehouses.

Dimensioning Accuracy

We are still working on improvements, but the video suggests there's <5mm error on each dimension! Here are the GT dimensions:

  1. box is 26.5 x 30cm & 20cm in height
  2. box is 18.5 x 28cm & 18cm in height
  3. box is 11 x 20cm & 7.5cm in height

OAK-D SR PoE (Short Range /w ToF)

I have based this app on the OAK-D-SR-POE (initial release in a few weeks!), as it has the best close-range perception due to its ToF sensor. It also has edge-AI inferencing capabilities, making it the perfect candidate for this application.

The ToF sensor has a depth error of <1% indoors, and <2% outdoors.

Reproduce: The Code

Code /w instructions available here.

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
from depthai_sdk.classes.packets import DetectionPacket, PointcloudPacket
from depthai_sdk.classes.box_estimator import BoxEstimator
import depthai_viewer as viewer
import cv2
import subprocess
import select
import sys

FPS = 10.0
box = BoxEstimator(median_window=10)

with OakCamera() as oak:
        subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-m", "depthai_viewer", "--viewer-mode"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
    viewer.init("Depthai Viewer")

    color = oak.create_camera('cam_c', resolution='800p', fps=20)

    model_config = {
        'source': 'roboflow', # Specify that we are downloading the model from Roboflow
        'key':'dDOP8nC4A9rZzWUTG8ia' # Fake API key, replace with your own!
    nn = oak.create_nn(model_config, color)

    tof = oak.create_tof(fps=20)
    tof.set_align_to(color, output_size=(640, 400))

    pointcloud = oak.create_pointcloud(tof)

    q = oak.queue([
    ]).configure_syncing(enable_sync=True, threshold_ms=500//FPS).get_queue()
    # oak.show_graph()

    viewer.log_rigid3(f"Right", child_from_parent=([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]), xyz="RDF", timeless=True)
    viewer.log_rigid3(f"Cropped", child_from_parent=([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]), xyz="RDF", timeless=True)

    def draw_mesh():
        pos,ind,norm = box.get_plane_mesh(size=500)
        viewer.log_mesh("Right/Plane", pos, indices=ind, normals=norm, albedo_factor=[0.5,1,0], timeless=True)

    if box.is_calibrated():
        print("Calibrate first, write 'c' in terminal when most of the view is flat floor!!")

    while oak.running():
        packets = q.get()

        nn: DetectionPacket = packets["nn"]
        cvFrame = nn.frame[..., ::-1] # BGR to RGB
        depth = packets["tof"].frame
        pcl_packet: PointcloudPacket = packets["pcl"]
        points = pcl_packet.points

        # Convert 800P into 400P into 256000x3
        colors_640 = cv2.pyrDown(cvFrame).reshape(-1, 3)
        viewer.log_points("Right/PointCloud", points.reshape(-1, 3), colors=colors_640)
        # Depth map visualize
        viewer.log_depth_image("depth/frame", depth, meter=1e3)
        viewer.log_image("video/color", cvFrame)

        if box.is_calibrated():
            if 0 == len(nn.detections):
                continue # No boxes found
            # Currently supports only 1 detection (box) at a time
            det = nn.detections[0]
            # Get the bounding box of the detection (relative to full frame size)
            # Add 10% padding on all sides
            box_bb = nn.bbox.get_relative_bbox(det.bbox)
            padded_box_bb = box_bb.add_padding(0.1)
            points_roi = pcl_packet.crop_points(padded_box_bb).reshape(-1, 3)

            dimensions, corners = box.process_points(points_roi)
            if corners is None:

            viewer.log_points("Cropped/Box_PCL", box.box_pcl)
            viewer.log_points("Cropped/Plane_PCL", box.plane_pcl, colors=(0.2,1.0,0.6))
            # viewer.log_points("Cropped/TopSide_PCL", box.top_side_pcl, colors=(1,0.3,0.6))
            viewer.log_points(f"Cropped/Box_Corners", corners, radii=8, colors=(1.0,0,0.0))

            corners = box.inverse_corner_points()
            viewer.log_points(f"Right/Box_Corners", corners, radii=8, colors=(1.0,0,0.0))
            viewer.log_line_segments(f"Right/Box_Edges", box.get_3d_lines(corners), stroke_width=4, color=(1.0,0,0.0))

            l,w,h = dimensions
            label = f"{det.label_str} ({det.confidence:.2f})\n{l/10:.1f} x {w/10:.1f}\nH: {h/10:.1f} cm"
                    label="Padded BoundingBox",

        key = oak.poll()
        ready, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.001) # Terminal input
        if ready:
            key = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
        if key == 'c':
            if box.calibrate(points):
                print(f"Calibrated Plane: {box.ground_plane_eq}")

Let me know your thoughts in the commentsπŸ™‚

I would say instead of Detection, we could use Box Segmentation for better results... Thoughts!

    Hi SamiUddin , I totally aqgree with you, there was just a limitation of the modelπŸ™‚ I found the dataset on the Roboflow directly, so I used that to train obj. detection.
    In general, we don't have a problem with noise (eg taking background pixel into account, which would be solved with segmentation), so accuracy wouldn't improve, perhaps (rarely) we'd eliminate some incorrect readings.

    2 months later

    Hi I have acquired the steps to retrieve the api key from roboflow, both public and private keys. I have added the key to the code. However I am retrieving an error of such:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "s:\DEPT\SVM4\Shared\Crossfunctional_Work\Projects\DepthCameras\LuxonisDepthAI\test_run\activateworkingdirectory\", line 29, in <module>

    **nn = oak.create_nn(model_config, color)**

    File "C:\Users\deg6fni\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\depth_ai\Lib\site-packages\depthai_sdk\", line 323, in create_nn

    **comp = NNComponent(self.device,**

    File "C:\Users\deg6fni\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\depth_ai\Lib\site-packages\depthai_sdk\components\", line 117, in init

    **path = self._roboflow.device_update(device)**

    File "C:\Users\deg6fni\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\depth_ai\Lib\site-packages\depthai_sdk\integrations\", line 44, in device_update

    **raise Exception(json_res['error'])**

    Exception: {'message': 'This API key does not exist (or has been revoked).', 'status': 401, 'type': 'OAuthException', 'hint': 'You may retrieve your API key via the Roboflow Dashboard. Go to Account > Roboflow Keys to retrieve yours.', 'key': 'rf_9Kh3tBWWhLdLo75jmjlhhdIQrk93'}

    Sentry is attempting to send 2 pending error messages

    Waiting up to 2 seconds

    **Press Ctrl-Break to quit
    I am depthai-sdk version 1.15.0, it seem as if I have to update the module that I have? Can you confirm this or not? Also I am looking at the other files to see what I can modify.


    7 days later
    3 months later

    Hi.. Really great work. i have a question, sorry if OOT. Just want to know, is there a way to read box dimension base on image from the phone camera to get width, length and height ?