When I run the script given in the link you sent, I get the following output:
venvshivam157@ubuntu:~/depthai-python$ python3 get_calib.py
RGB Camera Default intrinsics...
[[3133.269775390625, 0.0, 1922.1737060546875], [0.0, 3133.713623046875, 1102.6722412109375], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
RGB Camera Default intrinsics...
[[3133.269775390625, 0.0, 1922.1737060546875], [0.0, 3133.713623046875, 1102.6722412109375], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
RGB Camera resized intrinsics... 3840 x 2160
[[3.13326978e+03 0.00000000e+00 1.92217371e+03]
[0.00000000e+00 3.13371362e+03 1.10267224e+03]
[0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
RGB Camera resized intrinsics... 4056 x 3040
[[3.30951611e+03 0.00000000e+00 2.03029590e+03]
[0.00000000e+00 3.30998486e+03 1.54394751e+03]
[0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
LEFT Camera Default intrinsics...
[[693.9341430664062, 0.0, 664.17138671875], [0.0, 694.2032470703125, 406.8681640625], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
LEFT Camera resized intrinsics... 1280 x 720
[[693.93414307 0. 664.17138672]
[ 0. 694.20324707 366.86816406]
[ 0. 0. 1. ]]
RIGHT Camera resized intrinsics... 1280 x 720
[[690.59875488 0. 619.99499512]
[ 0. 690.54821777 276.21847534]
[ 0. 0. 1. ]]
LEFT Distortion Coefficients...
k1: -0.14615201950073242
k2: 5.131624221801758
p1: -0.0004437704337760806
p2: -0.0003282237739767879
k3: 0.816307544708252
k4: 0.22460998594760895
k5: 5.021973609924316
k6: 2.6677396297454834
s1: 0.0
s2: 0.0
s3: 0.0
s4: 0.0
Ï„x: 0.0
Ï„y: 0.0
RIGHT Distortion Coefficients...
k1: 1.1050113439559937
k2: 1.1275875568389893
p1: 0.00031773868249729276
p2: 0.0002416888455627486
k3: 0.12704245746135712
k4: 1.4751837253570557
k5: 1.46196711063385
k6: 0.46535491943359375
s1: 0.0
s2: 0.0
s3: 0.0
s4: 0.0
Ï„x: 0.0
Ï„y: 0.0
RGB FOV 68.7938003540039, Mono FOV 110.0
LEFT Camera stereo rectification matrix...
[[ 9.90124752e-01 7.40214346e-03 -3.64586040e+01]
[-7.32702106e-03 9.95746611e-01 -8.60322599e+01]
[-8.12898310e-06 3.72185724e-06 1.00401435e+00]]
RIGHT Camera stereo rectification matrix...
[[ 9.94906762e-01 7.44132256e-03 4.97689224e+00]
[-7.36240841e-03 1.00101704e+00 2.47433011e+00]
[-8.16824369e-06 3.74155680e-06 1.00401153e+00]]
Transformation matrix of where left Camera is W.R.T right Camera's optical center
[[ 9.99970078e-01 2.70099915e-03 7.25283753e-03 5.21282959e+00]
[-2.66335462e-03 9.99982953e-01 -5.19499322e-03 -1.26599353e-02]
[-7.26674590e-03 5.17552113e-03 9.99960184e-01 8.40604864e-03]
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
Transformation matrix of where left Camera is W.R.T RGB Camera's optical center
[[ 9.99992728e-01 -2.86172348e-04 3.81197175e-03 7.94537354e+00]
[ 2.56973435e-04 9.99970675e-01 7.65808392e-03 -3.24345136e+00]
[-3.81405186e-03 -7.65704829e-03 9.99963403e-01 -5.16706049e-01]
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
Is this calibration data from my camera? I am using two Mono OV9282 camera with each 75 degree FOV. I don't have any rgb camera.
I only used calibration.py file. I don't think I flashed the device with the current setup. My baseline is 14.5 cm in x