What camera do you have? USB or POE Model?
Luxonis OAK-1-PoE
What connected status do you mean? Connected to Luxonis Hub?
TO check the connection status our camera engineer use a python code to check connected status of the individual camera.
What python code do you use for monitoring?
He uses below Python code to check the status.
import sys, subprocess
import depthai as dai
except ModuleNotFoundError:
subprocess.run([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'depthai'])
import depthai as dai
def getPipeline():
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
cam_rgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
cam_rgb.setPreviewSize(1920, 1080)
xout_rgb = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
return pipeline
'Change False to True if you want to test if all 48 cameras are discoverable'
if False:
device_infos = dai.Device.getAllAvailableDevices()
while len(device_infos) < 48:
device_infos = dai.Device.getAllAvailableDevices()
print('Searching for DepthAI Devices.....found {:>2d} devices'.format(len(device_infos)), end='\\r')
print('Searching for DepthAI Devices.....found {:>2d} devices'.format(len(device_infos)))
print('found all devices!')
ip_addresses = [
'\*.\*.\*.160', '\*.\*.\*.161', '\*.\*.\*.162', '\*.\*.\*.163', '\*.\*.\*.164', '\*.\*.\*.165', '\*.\*.\*.166', '\*.\*.\*.167', '\*.\*.\*.168', '\*.\*.\*.169', '\*.\*.\*.170', '\*.\*.\*.171',
'\*.\*.\*.148', '\*.\*.\*.149', '\*.\*.\*.150', '\*.\*.\*.151', '\*.\*.\*.152', '\*.\*.\*.153', '\*.\*.\*.154', '\*.\*.\*.155', '\*.\*.\*.156', '\*.\*.\*.157', '\*.\*.\*.158', '\*.\*.\*.159',
'\*.\*.\*.113', '\*.\*.\*.114', '\*.\*.\*.115', '\*.\*.\*.119', '\*.\*.\*.120', '\*.\*.\*.121', '\*.\*.\*.122', '\*.\*.\*.126', '\*.\*.\*.128', '\*.\*.\*.132', '\*.\*.\*.134', '\*.\*.\*.135',
'\*.\*.\*.136', '\*.\*.\*.137', '\*.\*.\*.138', '\*.\*.\*.139', '\*.\*.\*.140', '\*.\*.\*.141', '\*.\*.\*.142', '\*.\*.\*.143', '\*.\*.\*.144', '\*.\*.\*.145', '\*.\*.\*.146', '\*.\*.\*.147',
disconnected = []
for ip in ip_addresses:
device_info = dai.DeviceInfo(ip)
device = dai.Device(device_info)
except RuntimeError:
There is any software available to upgrade the IP camera software?
There is any way we can login into the individual camera and check the respective hardware logs?
How to resolve such issue.. May i get ant contact to reach their support?