Please use code blocks when pasting output from the command line as it makes it much easier to read. You need to do three of these ` on a line before and after each block. Note, it isn't an apostrophe but the key that is typically under the escape key on most keyboards. It's annoying that it looks like an apostrophe and often confuses people when it doesn't work.
Please provide the full output from ifconfig
and ipconfig
from the same moment in time as it looks like things are changing and I can't understand what is going on. I suspect in the update you posted you tried to manually set the IP address in WSL or similar? if and ipconfig output in the same format so the ip addr
result isn't that useful to me as it makes it harder to compare.
Also please post the code you used for the IMU script, it needed to be altered before use and if you didn't do that it definitely wont work. Right now I've no idea what IP you're trying to connect to as you left that detail out so can't offer any advice. If you've tried something new please include that as otherwise we can't help you.
I don't work for Luxonis and I'm doing this in my free time, please make it easy for me as I'm very busy and otherwise just wont be able to help.