Hi @erik
So in order to check if we have a power related issue I did couple of changes as following:
a. connected the OAK-D camera directly to the Jetson (with the original cable and Y-adapter with power)
b. connected the other two OAK1-lite cameras via USB-Hub with power (the Hub specifications described in the previous message^)
c. reducing the Frame Rate to 5 Fps
And I ran two experiments:
- Connecting all three cameras: and got disconnections of the left camera after about two hours, relevant logs attached here
- Connecting two cameras (one OAK-D and one OAK1-lite cameras): and got disconnections of the left camera after about 30 minutes, relevant logs attached here
The script I ran is the same as the previous one I shared, but with one difference of the FPS setting, relevant script attached here
We notice in the logs "ping was missed" message, maybe it is related.