Please try with Jetpack 6 that would be very helpful. Are there any timelines you can provide for this?

- Joined Jul 19, 2024
- 0 best answers
@jakaskerl Are you guys actively looking at this issue? Any updates will help us decide on that platform.
We are using this camera where we can pass only a certain number of wires and it makes it a bit hard if we need to use all four lanes. So information regarding the two-lane mode will be appreciated. Thanks.
Is any data available for ToF accuracy and range with ambient lighting(like till 100klx or something)?
Great Announcement! What is the pricing for products similar to rvc2 devices? How much percentage increase is expected?
- Edited
Hi, I have a similar issue with the Orin nx 16GB module(Jetpack 5.1.2) with FFC-4P, where the device disconnects randomly (sometimes it works for 4-5 hours and sometimes 10 minutes).
I have also tried using UBS2, and it still disconnects randomly.
But when I run the same code with Xavier NX, everything works as expected.
So, if there are any updates regarding this issue, please let us know … it will be very helpful.