For the point cloud of a flat surface OAK-D Pro seems to be doing worse than Realsense D415 and OAK-D.
The mean z value for OAK-D, OAK-D Pro and D415 are 6.74mm, 25.93mm & 10.88 mm respectively, while the standard deviations are 2.63mm, 5.13mm & 2.69. Z=0 represents the flat surface
What steps can I take to have OAK-D pro perform at the same level better than OAK-D.
Data Files : Google drive url
Setup summary:
All the three cameras were approximately 1 meter away from the checkerboard. Their extrinsic calibration were computed using checkerboard detector and the following ros topics:
- d415: /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw
- oakd_pro & oakd: /oak/left/image_rect
Modification in the default ROS packages
- temporal_filter.enable: True
- high_accuracy.json settings
oakd_pro & oakd:
- i_enable_ir: True
- i_laser_dot_brightness: 1200
- stereo:
- i_subpixel: True
- i_publish_left_rect: True