We have a couple of Oak-D POEs connected to Nvidia Orins. Launching pointcloud.launch.py works, but launching rgbd_pcl.launch.py does not, in the sense that, while it seems to launch without error, it never publishes a point cloud. Before I try to debug it, has this combination worked for anyone else? Any ideas? Thanks!
rgbd_pcl does not work on Orin
cc @Luxonis-Adam any quick tips?
This could be caused by lags in data streams due to PoE interface, to improve that you can try decreasing resolution/fps/using low bandwidth mode for data streams. More information:
Thanks. I think the problem was that ros-humble-image-proc wasn't installed for some reason. Now it works, although only at about 1 Hz, so your advice about lowering the bandwidth is helpful.
I had this problem on an x86 computer where pointcloud.launch.py worked, but rgbd_pcl.launch.py did not. I solved it by setting the rectify rgb flag to be true in the launch like:
ros2 launch depthai_ros_driver rgbd_pcl.launch.py rectify_rgb:=True