Here is the UVC app modified only at line 30.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import platform
import depthai as dai
import time
import sys
import signal
import threading
from depthai_sdk.managers import arg_manager
args = arg_manager.parseArgs()
if platform.machine() == 'aarch64':
print("This app is temporarily disabled on AARCH64 systems due to an issue with stream preview. We are working on resolving this issue", file=sys.stderr)
raise SystemExit(1)
enable_4k = False # Will downscale 4K -> 1080p
Start defining a pipeline
pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
Define a source - color camera
cam_rgb = pipeline.createColorCamera()
if enable_4k:
cam_rgb.setIspScale(1, 2)
Create an UVC (USB Video Class) output node. It needs 1920x1080, NV12 input
uvc = pipeline.createUVC()
Terminate app handler
quitEvent = threading.Event()
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *_args: quitEvent.set())
Pipeline defined, now the device is connected to
with dai.Device(pipeline, usb2Mode=False) as device:
if device.getDeviceInfo().protocol == dai.XLinkProtocol.X_LINK_USB_VSC and device.getUsbSpeed() not in (dai.UsbSpeed.SUPER, dai.UsbSpeed.SUPER_PLUS):
print("This app is temporarily disabled with USB2 connection speed due to known issue. We're working on resolving it. In the meantime, please try again with a USB3 cable/port for the device connection", file=sys.stderr)
raise SystemExit(1)
print("\nDevice started, please keep this process running")
print("and open an UVC viewer. Example on Linux:")
print(" guvcview -d /dev/video0")
print("\nTo close: Ctrl+C")
# Doing nothing here, just keeping the host feeding the watchdog
while not quitEvent.is_set():
except KeyboardInterrupt: