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Hi everybody!
I am using an OAK-FFC-4P, and it has two IMX378 modules connected.
My goal is to be able to perform stereoscopy with both modules and at the same time use the RGB image of one of them. The reason why I opted for these IMX378 modules is because of their high resolution of 12 MP, since I need to have a high quality RGB image.
The problem is that for stereoscopy the maximum quality supported is 1080 P, that is, I have to set both modules to 1080 P, but this way I do not have the high quality RGB image I need. If I set the resolution to a higher value, I get the following error:
I wonder if there is a way to configure the modules in 12 MP (to have a high quality RGB image), and take from it a lower resolution image to perform the stereoscopy.
After a moment, the code freezes and stops working. I do not understand why. I think it has to do with connecting cam_a and cam_d to two different outputs (one for rgb image and one for stereoscopy)
because if I test each system in different codes (on one side only rgb image and on the other side only stereoscopy) it works fine. What I find strange is that for a moment it allows me to work with both at the same time and then it freezes.
Below I show the code used:
import cv2 import depthai as dai import numpy as np def getFrame(queue): # Get frame from queue frame = queue.get() # Convert frame to OpenCV format and return return frame.getCvFrame() def StereoConfig(stereo): # Prioritize fill-rate, sets Confidence threshold to 255 # Prioritize accuracy, sets Confidence threshold to 200 stereo.initialConfig.setConfidenceThreshold(245) # LR-check is required for depth alignment. Better handling for occlusions stereo.setLeftRightCheck(True) # Closer-in minimum depth, disparity range is doubled (from 95 to 190): stereo.setExtendedDisparity(False) # Better accuracy for longer distance, fractional disparity 32-levels: stereo.setSubpixel(False) # FILTERS CONFIGURATION # Options: MEDIAN_OFF, KERNEL_3x3, KERNEL_5x5, KERNEL_7x7 (default) stereo.initialConfig.setMedianFilter(dai.MedianFilter.KERNEL_7x7) config = stereo.initialConfig.get() config.postProcessing.speckleFilter.enable = True config.postProcessing.speckleFilter.speckleRange = 5 config.postProcessing.temporalFilter.enable = True config.postProcessing.temporalFilter.alpha = 0.01 config.postProcessing.spatialFilter.enable = True config.postProcessing.spatialFilter.holeFillingRadius = 10 config.postProcessing.spatialFilter.numIterations = 3 # config.postProcessing.thresholdFilter.minRange = 400 # config.postProcessing.thresholdFilter.maxRange = 1000 config.postProcessing.decimationFilter.decimationFactor = 3 stereo.initialConfig.set(config) if name == 'main': fps = 30 disparityMultiplier=2.125 enableRectified = True # Define a pipeline pipeline = dai.Pipeline() device = dai.Device() # DEFINE SOURCES AND OUTPUTS cam_a = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera) cam_d = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera) stereo = pipeline.create(dai.node.StereoDepth) cam_a.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_A) # IMX378 cam_d.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_D) # IMX378 cam_a.setResolution(dai.ColorCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_1080_P) cam_d.setResolution(dai.ColorCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_1080_P) cam_a.setFps(fps) cam_d.setFps(fps) cam_a.setIspScale(2, 3) cam_d.setIspScale(2, 3) StereoConfig(stereo) # Set output Xlink outcam_a = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) outcam_d = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) outstereo = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) outcam_a.setStreamName("cam_a") outcam_d.setStreamName("cam_d") outstereo.setStreamName("stereo") if enableRectified: xoutl = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) xoutr = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut) xoutl.setStreamName("rectifiedLeft") xoutr.setStreamName("rectifiedRight") # LINKING cam_a.isp.link(outcam_a.input) cam_d.isp.link(outcam_d.input) cam_a.isp.link(stereo.right) cam_d.isp.link(stereo.left) stereo.disparity.link(outstereo.input) if enableRectified: stereo.rectifiedLeft.link(xoutl.input) stereo.rectifiedRight.link(xoutr.input) stereo.depth.link(depthQueue.input) # Pipeline is defined, now we can connect to the device with device: device.startPipeline(pipeline) CAM_a = device.getOutputQueue(name="cam_a", maxSize=1) stereo1 = device.getOutputQueue(name="stereo", maxSize=1) while True: Framecam1a = getFrame(CAM_a) Framestereo = getFrame(stereo1) # Colormap disparity for display Framestereo = (Framestereo \* disparityMultiplier).astype(np.uint8) Framestereo = cv2.applyColorMap(Framestereo, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # SHOW IMAGES cv2.imshow("Framecam1a", Framecam1a) cv2.imshow("Framestereo", Framestereo) # Check for keyboard input key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): break
I would really appreciate it if you could help me solve these problems. Thank you