Some more troubleshooting via direct connection (USB-C):
- After each reboot, hostapd is crashed.
- Information in wpa_supplicant.conf is correct (SSID, password - no weird character translations as I read elsewehere etc. - everything is fine, that part of reading the QR code does definetly work)
- No IP address obtained, not connected to my WLAN - in line with the "connection error" messages on the deveice, when I try the QR-code method.
How to get it connected to the WLAN?
systemctl stop hostapd
systemctl restart systemd-networkd
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp1s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
And then the rae is connected to my WLAN, can ping Google etc.
Does this give any indication, what's wrong with the device/setup? The issue (as mentioned earlier in this thread!) seems to be a crashed hostapd. I'd like to disable it completely to check, if then maybe the connection comes up properly. Maybe then the QR-method would even work…? The display still states "Register at…
I tried using the QR code method with a the WLAN connection up (via shell/USB-C) - same result (QR code is read, SSID/pwd is transferred, connection error… while the rae is connected to WLAN and can ping e.g. Provisioning app is running, too, I checked that.
Very strange, I really don't get it 🙄