
On the OAK-FFC-6P with a single RGB camera connected to socket SA, I am able to run the example scripts (tmp_s3 folder).

However, I am having trouble implementing my own network (using my own blob file).

Is the process to create a blob file for the rvc3 different than that listed on this page or the online converter?

If so, what is the proper procedure? Is there a tutorial or comprehensive documentation?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • jakaskerl replied to this.
  • Hi @Unknown,

    apologies for the delay in my response. I managed to find the issue, fixed it and deploy the fix. So you should be able now to convert the model (I did it and it worked for me).


    I am able to run the yolo and mobilenet examples in tmp_s3 folder. However, this is my code:

     Pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
     cam = pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
     nn = pipeline.create(dai.node.NeuralNetwork)
     nnPath = “MYPATH.blob”
     nnXout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
     with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
          qNn = device.getOutputQueue("nn")
          nnData = qNn.get()

    I get the following error at the last line:

    " RuntimeError: Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: ‘nn’ (X_LINK_ERROR)' "

    Additionally, the firmware crashes.

    Other notes:

    • I am using the rvc3_develop branch

    • I have updated the OAK-FFC-6P OS to 1.12 and the firmware to rvc3-1.2.0

      Hi ah1
      Do other models work as expected if you switch them inside your code?


      Yes, the same code with the yolov6n416x416openvino2022.1_vpux.blob model works ok (only change I made was the path and a 416x416 image size).

        Hi ah1
        The AI part on the RVC3 seems to be a little broken so not all models will work with it. I synced with the team and was told that Luxonis model zoo models should work fine, but we can't say the same for custom models.
        Could you do a graph of your layers (using Netron) so we can possibly swap out the layers that are not working.


        a year later

        Hey @erik
        I have trained a custom model using YOLOv5n. While converting the model to a blob format using RVC2, I encountered an error. However, when I used RVC3 for the conversion, it successfully generated the blob. Unfortunately, when running this blob on DepthAI, I received the following error:

        "RuntimeError: BlobReader error: File does not seem to be a supported neural network blob."

        It's worth noting that a pre-trained YOLOv5n model was converted using RVC2 without issues and ran successfully as a blob. The issue only arises with the custom-trained model.

        Could you please assist in troubleshooting this problem?

          hey @jakaskerl , thankyou.

          i face error while converting yolovn6 pretrained to blob. the error is "Error while converting to openvino". i am using tools.luxonis.com

            Can you send the model .pt? Via email if privacy is an issue.


            Hey @jakaskerl here is the link to download the model. it will be great if custom model trained using yolov6n6 can also be converted to blob.

              Hi @jakaskerl its a .pt file only. Please click on the black pop out icon above "file size", a new tab will open then you will be able to download the .pt file.


                10 days later

                Hi @Unknown,

                apologies for the delay in my response. I managed to find the issue, fixed it and deploy the fix. So you should be able now to convert the model (I did it and it worked for me).
