• Cannot find camd on OAK-FFC 4P + OAK-SoM Pro S3

Hi mitra ,
Did you rework the unit yourself? If not, could you also share the purchase order number so we can check internally about the device revisions?

    erik It was customized by Luxonis. Order number: 13536.


    • erik replied to this.

      Hi mitra ,
      Could you try connecting OV9282 to the CAMD? I am not sure if IMX412 (as mentioned in terminal) is already supported, and CAM_D sharing clock lines with the CAM_A.. Also, which cam is on CAM_D?

      I have OAK-FFC IMX378 W connected to both CAMA and CAMD. But the one on CAM_A is listed as IMX412.
      Image is showing properly for CAM_A with IMX378 W connected, but no info + image on CAMD

      Below is console when I switched IMX378 W between CAMC and CAMD

      python3 utilities/cam_test.py -cams rgb,m left,m right,m camd,m

      Enabled cameras:

      rgb : mono

      left : mono

      right : mono

      camd : mono

      DepthAI version:

      DepthAI path: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/depthai.cpython-311-darwin.so

      Connected cameras: [{socket: RGB/CENTER/CAM_A, sensorName: IMX412, width: -1, height: -1, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [], hasAutofocus: 0, name: CAMA-4L}, {socket: LEFT/CAM_B, sensorName: OV9282, width: -1, height: -1, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [], hasAutofocus: 0, name: CAMB-2L}, {socket: RIGHT/CAM_C, sensorName: IMX412, width: -1, height: -1, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [], hasAutofocus: 0, name: CAMC-2L}]

      -socket RGB : IMX412 -1 x -1 focus:fixed -

      -socket LEFT : OV9282 -1 x -1 focus:fixed -

      -socket RIGHT : IMX412 -1 x -1 focus:fixed -

      USB speed: UNKNOWN

      IR drivers: []

      Traceback (most recent call last):

      File "/Users/ensue/Desktop/git/depthai-python/utilities/cam_test.py", line 226, in <module>


      RuntimeError: Cannot find camera given socket: 3 and name: '' (startPipeline)

      As you requested CAM_D has OV9282 connected now.

      • erik replied to this.

        @erik , We have already updated device to fip-oak-ffc-4p-rvc3-1.5.0.bin and OS luxonisos-1.9.dm-verity.mender

        I do recall that we weren't even able to get CAM_A before we updated FIP.

        Please let me know if there is anything else we should try.


          Hi mitra
          What is the reason behind running dm-verity.mender version as opposed to standard OS-1.9?


            5 days later

            @erik / @jakaskerl anything else I can try on my end or wait for new fip file for 4P?
            FYI, fip-oak-ffc-4p-rvc3-1.4.0.bin and older fip shows only CAMB and CAMC.

            fip-oak-ffc-4p-rvc3-1.5.0.bin shows CAMA, CAMB and CAMC.

            • erik replied to this.

              Hi mitra ,
              I think it's best to create an issue on depthai-core, so linux/FW team can address these directly.

              a month later

              Hi, I'm having the same issue described here. I've tried using two different OAK-FFC-4P boards with several different cameras and will always get the output, [error] Camera not detected on socket: 3 when trying to connect to cam-d with the cam_test.py script as well as other custom scripts.

              The device_manager.py shows the following information about the OAK-FFC-4P:

              • Name of connect device: 1.2
              • Version of newest bootloader: 0.0.24
              • Current Depthai version:
              • Device state: BOOTLOADER
              • Flashed bootloader version: 0.0.22
              • Current commit: (blank)

              I've seen this issue, 647, but it looks like it should have resolved this problem in a previous release. Are there any recommended steps to try for debugging?

                5 months later


                Any update on this? I have been trying for hours thinking it was bad sensors. It drives me crazy when something that I think should be simple ends up blocking me and becomes an hours long maybe days long endeavor. Eh anyways, yah CAMD does not work on a new OAK-4P recently purchased.

                @erik How do I fix this?

                • mark replied to this.


                  Hi, yes there was a patch that fixed my problem in this issue


                  Last I checked the patch was only on their develop branch and I'm not sure if it has been pushed to main and released.