Hello erik,
It took a while but I've managed to replicate the artifact with the following code.
<script src=">
You should look for the two saved images in line 171 and in line 189. This time I was using depthai version 2.20.2. I use the ImageManip to avoid loading the whole 3 image channels into the buffer due to frame rate. This step is key since I use the OAK-1 camera connected to an Android Device and if I don't do this the frame rate goes from 20 (taking only one channel from imgmanip node) to 10(taking the 3 channels image from isp).
I was not able to use the version 2.17.4 in python. But I've done the same experiment with the 2.17.4 in C++ and the artifact is less evident.
This is the complete image in case the scale is not clear in the first image. The artifact appears normally in the right side of the image as you can see.
I hope that you can help me with this issue. Thank you for your attention.