erik I've tried the same code but it was not working properly since on my side it only showed the first frame and then the image feed stopped. However, I tried with the depthai-python examples/ColorCamera/ and the captures did seem to avoid this effect. The thing is that I am using an application in C++ and I would like to verify if the images obtained from the feed are not having this artifact. So, I will modify the saving method using the still frame but for c++ to see if that resolves the issue for the image capture, but there is still the issue of this artifact appearing even without saving, reading the image directly in the pipeline generate the mentioned effect.
to create my camera pipeline I use this code:
<script src=">
and this is the code used to get the image frame:
<script src=">
My application uses the images from the camera on real time, to estimate the pose of aruco markers, and even if a solve the saving issue I still have the artifact while runningn on real time the detection and pose estimation algorithms, and since the position of my markers corners are displaced then my pose will be displaced, increasing the pose estimation error.
I have been using this camera since january 2022 and this artifact was noticed last month, and the only thing that I have changed since last month is an update from depthai version 2.17.4 to 2.20.2. Do you think this is related to the hardware of the camear itself ?