• set up



i have one more query, this camera is actually for edge computing knw (means need to do all processing in camera itself), i am using gaze estimation code and face detection codes, but how can i verify whether that code processing is happening in camera ? not consuming cpu??

  • erik replied to this.

    Hi ThasnimolVSam22d007 ,
    You can just check in the Task Manager how much the python script consumes CPU/GPU. All the AI happens on the camera itself for this demo. Note that it sends the results back to the host computer for decoding, and for that I already started working on PR here that also does decoding+cropping on the device (via script node). Thoughts?
    Thanks, Erik


      1. the pr link you given know? i didnt get any data from that page
      2. with that code i can only preview , i tried to save video but not saving bbox in it, so if i want to save result only to the file, how to do it?? is it possible
      3. by using openvino mobile ssd models only detecting person, and some other objects, is it possible to detect face,shoes, goggles and all using it? if you have any ideas regarding this just let me know
      • erik replied to this.


        1. no i was asked, what is the purpose that link i couldnt find anything there

        2. okay images am saving actually, in that color camera code but size is set to 300, when am trying to change it it is showing error only not changing the size? is possible to change the size of image or fixed??i mean is it possible to increase the field of view of image

        3. from where i should get the objects pretrained in that network obkjects from that model, if you have any links please share here, am checking it also

          Hi ThasnimolVSam22d007

          1. Its a link to a pull request which has the code that aims to do decoding/cropping via script node.
          2. Your preview img size is (usually) set to whatever your NN expects. You can instead save video/still/isp to get a larger frame size. Info here. Basically have one stream (preview) go through NN, and the second (video) go directly through xlink/encoder to a file.
          3. i'm sorry, what object are you referring to?



            1. means in that face detection code in github , using one model for object detection, so i want to know what all models are already defined in it, if it is not i want to include those things in the model, whether it is possible to add it in the same model,is it possible do you know whether anyone tried this, or any pretrained models with

              shoes, goggles, person, face and all already available??

            2. also erik i tried

              that recording code it is saving some .dat file what is the advantage of those files?/ where i can use that??


            i tried this today, but that code with preview video is fully consuming cpu, after running the code consumption is incresed to 30,35 and all, so i am trying to save the results, do you have any ideas for it?? how to take output

              Hi ThasnimolVSam22d007
              You can add your own classes to an already existing/trained model, by retraining it from a checkpoint along with your new training data. I suggest you look up a few tutorials. I've seen shoes, person, face (haven't yet seen one for goggles), but all as separate models. Your best bet is looking for something like yolo, which usually already has ~ 80 classes.

              Hope this helps,


                means, currently am using the code which is already given in the example, so it is using mobilenet ssd, so your saying i need train object and add to the same model or like mobilenet i saw yolo, we can use it same way as yolo in code??

                  Hi ThasnimolVSam22d007
                  If your model (be it SSD or yolo) supports retraining with new classes, then yes. Otherwise you will have to freshly train those models to detect your objects.


                  18 days later

                  @jakaskerl , @erik

                  i have one doubt, any custom trained model will work with oak d camera, now am trying hand gesture detection with yolo8, do you have any idea on the process, actually with this oak d any random model will work or any restriction is there?

                  • erik replied to this.
                    erik added the tags .


                    here in this code which model is using??

                    do you have any custom model example with yolo - then it will be helpful for me , then i can add more things on it??

                    • erik replied to this.

                      Hi @ThasnimolVSam22d007,

                      the problem lies with the newest version of the ultralytics. In the tools we use a little bit older version, which doesn't support v8DetectionLoss that the newest version of ultralytics uses. We will deploy the fix within the next release. In the meantime, we have updated the YoloV8 training notebook. You can see the updated notebook here. Basically all you need to do is revert to a bit older version by replacing the first code cell with this:

                      %cd /content/
                      !git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics
                      !cd ultralytics && git reset --hard dce4efce48a05e028e6ec430045431c242e52484
                      %pip install -qe ultralytics

                      I apologize for the inconvenience.

                      Kind regards,



                        with that also i tried but in that colab also it is not working (it was showing - no module named ultralytics.yolo - but i installed all the packages also

                        1. earlier i tried all the github codes and it was showing no error, inorder to do the custom model deployment and model conversion and all installed alot of libraries - so my oak d folder fully showing an error with - reportMissingImports- but when i am installing those modules it is showing already requirement satisfie