DepthAI 2.27.0 released

DepthAI v.2.27.0 contains new features in automatic crash dump collections and support for NumPy 2.

MartinMotycka 0

Box Measurement - with AI and ToF

Box Measurement App with AI and ToF RGBD

erik 0

OAK Cameras for NDVI Perception

Using OAK cameras for NDVI perception

erik 0

DepthAI 2.26.0 released

DepthAI 2.26.0 release notes contains new features in ImageAlign and Cast node and full ToF support. Also stability improvements and bug fixes was added

MartinMotycka 5

See the Unseen: Sony IMX462 for Superior Night Vision

Luxonis adds support for IMX462 low-light sensor

erik 0

Host clock syncing improved!

We have just improved our host clock syncing algorithm by 10x!

erik 5

DepthAI SDK 1.11 release

DepthAI SDK 1.11 introduces Auto IR Mode and Point Cloud Support for enhanced depth perception

DaniilPastukhov 0

DepthAI SDK 1.10 release

New DepthAI SDK release bringing more new features

DaniilPastukhov 0

People Tracking & Counting with SDK

Create powerful applications with minimal code

erik 13

DepthAI SDK Human Pose Estimation

Human Pose Estimation with Just 7 Lines of Code

erik 18

DepthAI ROS Driver

Simplifying ROS-based software development for OAK

erik 1

On Object Detection of Unknown Objects

Brandon 0

Initial Disparity Depth Tuning and Experiments

Brandon 0

It Works! Working Prototype of Commute Guardian.

Brandon 28

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