it seems an common issue with oak-d-pro-W

- Mar 17, 2024
- Joined Mar 4, 2024
- 0 best answers
all I had to do was commented out
thanks a lot! we will try that!
[system] [error] Attempted to start Color camera - NOT detected! We have oak-d-pro-w camera
any idea how to fix it?
HI Jaka, Thanks a lot. I got 4 cameras and I can get the power from outside (with the splitter), but mainly need to get the point cloud data in a reasonable resolution and frame rate. then convert that to a 2d scan like data so that I can feed that to Nav2 for navigation. Any examples have you seen that give me a quick start?
thanks a lot,
is it possible to connect 4 Oak-D-Pro-W cameras and get depth images of 360 degrees? I am ok with lower resolution. the idea is to make a cheaper Lidar for navigation