
  • 23 days ago
  • Joined Dec 12, 2024
  • 0 best answers
  • @jakaskerl In that case, I think I will reach out to them and see what I can do. Thanks for helping me out.

  • Sorry to bump this thread, but looking at the IMU extrinsic json file that is saved when I use readCalibration2().eepromToJsonFile(filepath), it seems to be in a bit different format than the JSON files that are output using the readCalibration2() function. Is there a guide on how to flash this data?

    • @jakaskerl I'm pretty sure sure the smudging is because right before I took that, my finger slipped and I left a fingerprint on the body's glass.

      Just in case, here's the MXID: 1944301091EB5C1300

      • I can't really say if its better or worse due to this, as I don't really have a frame of reference. I just bought the camera, and was playing around with it when I noticed the noise, so I decided to post to see if that sort of noise against darker surfaces was to be expected or not for the mono cameras on the OAK-D Lite.

        As for the averaging and such, I was just thinking aloud about possible ways to push the limits of what's possible :-)

        Here's a quick sample I put together with a little test setup. Upper images are left and right cameras, lower is color and the disparity map. The data looks pretty good to me on the depth side. Consistent around objects that are easily discernable from the stereo pair, and noisy on smooth surfaces

        This is a close up of a dark keyboard on a dark table, like from my original post, so you can see the sensor noise due to a high ISO again. The camera is really close to the keyboard, and there's not a lot of features, so the depth data is not great.

        And here's the program I used to generate the images. Its a modified version of the depth_preview example from the docs.

        import cv2
        import depthai as dai
        import numpy as np
        # Closer-in minimum depth, disparity range is doubled (from 95 to 190):
        extended_disparity = False
        # Better accuracy for longer distance, fractional disparity 32-levels:
        subpixel = False
        # Better handling for occlusions:
        lr_check = True
        # Create pipeline
        pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
        # Color RGB data
        rgb = pipeline.createColorCamera()
        rgb.setPreviewSize(640, 480)
        rgb_out = pipeline.createXLinkOut()
        # Define sources and outputs
        monoLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
        monoRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
        xoutLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
        xoutRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
        depth = pipeline.create(dai.node.StereoDepth)
        xout = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
        # Properties
        # Create a node that will produce the depth map (using disparity output as it's easier to visualize depth this way)
        # Options: MEDIAN_OFF, KERNEL_3x3, KERNEL_5x5, KERNEL_7x7 (default)
        # Linking
        # Connect to device and start pipeline
        with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
            # Output queue will be used to get the disparity frames from the outputs defined above
            q = device.getOutputQueue(name="disparity", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
            q_rgb = device.getOutputQueue(name="rgb", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
            q_left = device.getOutputQueue(name="left", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
            q_right = device.getOutputQueue(name="right", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
            while True:
                in_rgb = q_rgb.get()
                rgb = in_rgb.getCvFrame()
                in_left = q_left.get()
                left = in_left.getCvFrame()
                in_right = q_right.get()
                right = in_right.getCvFrame()
                inDisparity = q.get()  # blocking call, will wait until a new data has arrived
                frame = inDisparity.getFrame()
                # Normalization for better visualization
                frame = (frame * (255 / depth.initialConfig.getMaxDisparity())
                # Available color maps: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html
                frame = cv2.applyColorMap(frame, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
                mono_concat = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=1)
                mono_concat = np.dstack([mono_concat]*3)
                depth_concat = np.concatenate((rgb, frame), axis=1)
                full_frame = np.concatenate((mono_concat, depth_concat), axis=0)
                cv2.imshow("data", full_frame)
                if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
        • No. Not really much to blame on thermal issues. I checked the IC temperature, and the output does seem to line up with what the documentation says I should see. So I'm guessing its just the general result of the OV7251's sensor noise.

          I decided to do some experiments though, because why not? I captured lots of frames from both mono cameras with both 100 ISO, and 20500 exposure, and them summed them up to see what "hot spots" were generated. Most frames had no hot spots at all, but some did.

          The left camera was a bit "hotter' than the right camera. I'm think that one is closer to the Myriad X, so its probably just a little bit more thermal noise.

          Repeating the same test, but with the highest ISO setting gives similar results, but with many more bright pixels. This makes sense, as high ISO is going to be more sensor gain, and thus a nosier picture.

          Here's the code for grabbing all the frames. I just manually stopped it around 700-1000 frames

          #!/usr/bin/env python3
          from pathlib import Path
          import cv2
          import depthai as dai
          import time
          import shutil
          # Create pipeline
          pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
          # Define source and output
          monoRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
          monoLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
          xoutRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
          xoutLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
          # Properties
          # Linking
          # Image control
          controlIn = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkIn)
          # Connect to device and start pipeline
          with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
              # Output queue will be used to get the grayscale frames from the output defined above
              qRight = device.getOutputQueue(name="right", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
              qLeft = device.getOutputQueue(name="left", maxSize=4, blocking=False)
              # Queue for sending sensor config
              controlQueue = device.getInputQueue(controlIn.getStreamName())
              dirName_l = "mono_data_l"
              dirName_r = "mono_data_r"
              Path(dirName_l).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
              Path(dirName_r).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
              while True:
                  ctrl = dai.CameraControl()
                  ctrl.setManualExposure(20500, 1600)
                  inRight = qRight.get()  # Blocking call, will wait until a new data has arrived
                  inLeft = qLeft.get()
                  # Data is originally represented as a flat 1D array, it needs to be converted into HxW form
                  # Frame is transformed and ready to be shown
                  cv2.imshow("right", inRight.getCvFrame())
                  cv2.imshow("left", inLeft.getCvFrame())
                  # After showing the frame, it's being stored inside a target directory as a PNG image
                  cv2.imwrite(f"{dirName_r}/{int(time.time() * 1000)}.png",
                  cv2.imwrite(f"{dirName_l}/{int(time.time() * 1000)}.png",
                  if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):

          And here's the script that summed up the data.

          from pathlib import Path
          import cv2
          import numpy as np
          from PIL import Image
          def stack_dir(directory: str) -> np.array:
              frame = np.zeros((480, 640), dtype=np.float32)
              files = list(Path(directory).glob("*.png"))
              print(f"{directory}: {len(files)}")
              for image in files:
                  loaded = np.asarray(Image.open(image), np.float32)
                  frame += loaded
              return frame.astype(np.float32)
          leftData = stack_dir("mono_data_l")
          rightData = stack_dir("mono_data_r")
          print(leftData.min(), leftData.max())
          print(rightData.min(), rightData.max())
          cv2.imshow("left", leftData)
          cv2.imshow("right", rightData)

          The noise seems fairly random in how its distributed, so I'm thinking if I really wanted to try it (and frankly, the depth data is pretty good, so this is all somewhat academic at this point), the simplest way might be to average out a few frames (likely using some logic running on the SHAVE cores), then pass that average into the depth calculations. Is that possible, or does the StereoDepth node require the original images?

          • @jakaskerl I used the Mono Camera Control demo from the documentation, turned the ISO all the way down, and the exposure time to 20500. Looks better, but still seeing noise, especially in the corners, and especially on the left sensor.

            Maybe its also just some thermal noise? The thermal pad on my camera does not seem very tacky/sticky, so maybe I just need to replace that to pull heat away from the chip so it does not propagate to the cameras?

          • I just bought an OAK-D Lite to play around with a bit, and so far it seems pretty neat, but I've noticed a significant amount of noise on the mono cameras that seems especially prominent when looking at darker surfaces. Is this normal for the sensors in the OAD-D Lite? If so, are there any recommendations on how to reduce this noise for better use in depth image calculations?

            • @erik I saw that reply from him on the GitHub thread, which sounds like a great simple solution. I'm still spending some effort trying to trace down exactly what's causing the AV detection, because I'm not entirely sure why updated the Rust version would fix that.

              I know he was planning to bump it to rust 1.74. If he can, he should bump it to at least 1.77.2, because that version fixed a 10/10 CVE related to the potential for escaping and executing remote code.

            • I've seen the same issue, but on Windows 11. Its from the depthai-viewer tool, and I have posted about it quite a bit on this issue for its GitHub repo, as I just bought an OAK-D Lite, and wanted to trace down if this is a real issue or a false positive before I installed the tools myself to play around with.

              Here's a quick summary of what I've found so far.

              • From running scans on VirusTotal, it seems to affect all versions of depthai-viewer from 0.1.5 through the latest (0.2.7).
              • VirusTotal only detects it on Windows builds.
              • Only 13 AV products are detecting it on VirusTotal, and I've been re-queuing the file to VirusTotal on a daily basis to see if that number changes. It has not.
              • The specific threat signature was only added to Microsoft Defender in November, and Microsoft has little detail on it right now, and I get almost no relevant hits for the signature name on google.

              I've not posted this bit on the bug yet as I'm still working on this, but here's some info on what I've done in the past day or two:
              Just today I've set up a Windows 11 VM and tried compiling the tool myself (by manually replicating the steps in the github actions definition file), which indeed triggered windows defender (Meaning the exploit method is not the same as the previously mentioned ultralytics breach, which from what I can tell, would only affect builds made on GitHub's pipeline, but that means nothing about what the actual exploit is). Interestingly enough, the none of the intermediate compilation objects are setting off windows defender. If it did trigger on one of those, it would suggest that the issue is with a dependency. Since it did not, I'm back to square one of wondering exactly what is triggering this.

              @erik Microsoft has a way for developers themselves to submit files for more in-depth analysis. I don't know what (if any) information they would share from that analysis, but it might be worth submitting it to them.