Hi @SarveshRathi
Does it work when you explicitly set the IP?
Hi @SarveshRathi
Does it work when you explicitly set the IP?
Hi @SarveshRathi
I'd suggest against using depthai_demo until you get the connection working, but luxonis/depthaiblob/main/depthai_demo.py#L210 has the deviceInfo part which you can hardcode with the IP.
Hi @SarveshRathi
As long as you can see the lights on the ETH port, the layer 2 network devices should have no problem correctly routing the traffic, so I'll assume the issue is still on the PC.
Does pinging work in this setup? Check the traffic or tracert function to see if correct routes are used.
Hi @SarveshRathi
This looks ok as long as the switch is rated correctly (https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/hardware/en/latest/pages/guides/powering_poe_devices/#poe-switch-or-injector). You don't need the switch inbetween since it does nothing essentially. My suggestion was to use a POE switch, which can be used directly - without the POE injector to power the camera.
I still don't understand what you mean by "as soon as I move it crashes". Do you suspect a bad contact issue?
Hi @SarveshRathi
SarveshRathi How do I inspect the network traffic?
I usually use wireshark to check the traffic.
SarveshRathi Since right now I can connect the camera through the injector, but as soon as I move it crashes.
What do you mean by as soon as I move it? Have you tried using a switch instead?
SarveshRathi Failed to find device after booting
This usually signifies a power issue, could you check you are getting enough power? I found I have this issue when using injector instead of POE switch.
You might learn more by inspecting the network traffic to see if it gets routed correctly.
Hi @SarveshRathi
How about the other side (the HyperV FW)? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/operating-system-security/network-security/windows-firewall/hyper-v-firewall
Make sure to also check the route tables if the traffic gets routed correctly. When not specifying the device IP when calling dai.Device()
the library will send a broadcast which will not be received if there are issues with the subnet. When providing IP, this will be skipped and should work outside subnets iirc.
Hi @SarveshRathi
Are you using any firewall perhaps? Make sure the ports for TCP and UDP are open: https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/hardware/en/latest/pages/guides/getting-started-with-poe/#ports-and-firewall
Hi @SarveshRathi
Check your network card for the IP with ifconfig
(mac/linux) or ipconfig
(win). Make sure they are in the same subnet range.
Alternatively, you can pass the IP of the device in the script.
with dai.Device(pipeline, deviceInfo=dai.DeviceInfo(""), maxUsbSpeed=dai.UsbSpeed.SUPER) as device:
Should work I think since it skips local broadcast call.