Hi Jaka,
The boot switch is in the DIS positon, i will write an email for a replacement.
Hi Jaka,
The boot switch is in the DIS positon, i will write an email for a replacement.
Hi Jaka,
I tried rebooting and reseated the OAK-SOM but still the same result and this is the output from Dmesg: https://justpaste.it/g66np
Also it mentions low voltage in the logs but i have it hooked up a lab power supply at 5.2V and it draws about 0.6 Amps. Please let me know what else to try and looks for the logs show some errors with the IO.
I have a OAK D Cm4 non POE and have used it in the past and it has been working great, but have tried to use it recently and can't seem to get the raspberry pi to find any camera devices.
This was the code i was using to find any cameras
import depthai as dai
def main():
# Attempt to connect to any available device
with dai.Device() as device:
print("Device found:", device.getDeviceName())
except RuntimeError as e:
print("No device found or unable to connect:", e)
if __name__ == "__main__":
But i just get no device found
What would you recommend i try next? not sure if i need to reimage the pi or not?
Hi Jaka,
Thats for your help and now its all working! the finial question I have is do you know which OS I need to install for thw Wi-Fi?
I have this link here from the docs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O50jPpGj_82jkAokdrsG--k9OBQfMXK5
But wasn't sure which one
Thanks Marcus
I currently have a OAK-D-CM4 where it does not have the wifi module on the Raspberry Pi Board so I was given a Wi-Fi dongle inside the box which currently does not work so i reached out to Luxonis who sent me another Wi-FI dongle which is a Tenda Model W311MI which doesn't work. I was then told I need to flash a new image to my raspberry pi following this guide here: https://docs.luxonis.com/projects/hardware/en/latest/pages/guides/raspberrypi/#flashing-an-image-to-the-emmc
Where I have moved the header pin so the EN is being enabled and plugged in the micro USB and then the 5V power jack. And the tutorial links to this guide for setting up the USB Boot.
I am running windows 10 so I installed Cygwin and installed the packages of git, make, gcc-g++, pkg config and libusb.
I then ran the following commands:
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/usbboot
cd usbboot
When I ran the program i get the following output:
RPIBOOT: build-date Dec 13 2023 version 20221215~105525 922f3863
Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711...
Loading embedded: bootcode4.bin
Loading embedded: bootcode4.bin
Loading embedded: bootcode4.bin
And the loading embedded repeats for ever.
I was wondering if anyone could helpme resolve my Wi-Fi issue so I can connect my raspberry pi to wifi.
Hi All,
I'm currently using the OAK-D CM4 device for one of my projects and am in need of a dust-proof enclosure/case like in the POE versions for it. Has anyone here designed or come across a suitable case for this device?
If not, I'm considering designing my own case. I'm leaning towards initially 3D printing it out of plastic for prototyping, and then CNC machining it from aluminum for durability. One challenge I'm facing is figuring out the clear plastic/glass for the cameras and how to make it? I have attached a photo below for reference:
Any guidance, resources, or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!