
  • 2 Jan
  • Joined Jun 21, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • I have 2 cameras that were running fine. There were no changes to the code and now have this error

    Exception has occurred: RuntimeError

    • Failed to find device after booting, error message: X_LINK_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND

    I have been getting a warning about DeprecationWarning: Use constructor taking 'UsbSpeed' instead

    device = stack.enter_context(dai.Device(openvino_version, device_info, usb2_mode))

    I do not see information on how to use UsbSpeed. m Do I set it to "High"?

    • This will take a bit. I need approval…

      • That absolutely worked. I updated my def create_pipeline(cam_list) in the file and took out the "cam" loop to make it a bit simpler.

        Thank You Jaka!


      • This code starts 2 pipelines for 2 OAK-D cameras but sending the manual exposure has no effect on the cameras. They stay in auto-exposure mode.

        • When I use the depthai_sdk, I do not have a problem setting the exposure and can save the video.

          When I use depthai like in "luxonis/depthai-experiments/blob/master/gen2-syncing/"

          I can sync the images but setting the exposure seems to do nothing.

          The Mono Camera exposure control example works with a single camera. ""

        • If anyone can give me a hint on how to set the exposure with a pipeline, I think the modifications to would work. The motion blur I am getting will not work with auto exposure.

          • "luxonis/depthai-experiments/blob/master/gen2-syncing/"

            works fine. I will save each frame as a file with frame-count in the name. Then I can save a CSV file with frame-count, IMU data, timestamps. I think somehow saving video would be faster.

            :No MCAP will not work. Only VIDEO

          • jakaskerl ROSAG also fails.

            Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError

            No module named 'rosbags'

            File "D:\Programming\OAK_D\", line 40, in <module> oakL.record([ left.out.encoded, right.out.encoded], out_path, RecordType.ROSBAG) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rosbags'

            • ADP I am trying to nearly the same with 2 OAK-D Pro cameras. I was attempting MCAP. I will also try ROSBAG

            • I have tried several examples from the depthai and depthai-sdk ( and if the RecordType is MCAP or ROSBAG they fail with Module Not Found Error no module mcap_ros1. They will work if the RecordType is VIDEO. I am trying to record IMU data and I am not sure if the IMU data will be encoded in the VIDEO format.

              I am using:

              • depthai-sdk 1.13.1
              • depthai
              • Windows 10
              • I would like to synchronize my 2 Oak-D Pros and record the video (CAMB and CAM_C only) with the IMU information for each frame (15 FPS) exported to a CSV. This was going well until I added adjusting the exposure of each camera. I had to upgrade the depthai-SDK to 1.13 for the exposure and now the reworked example code for needs a major overhaul. It was written for depthai-sdk 1.2.

                Can you suggest psudo code (or actual) on how to record these synchronized 2 streams with IMU info?

                • jakaskerl replied to this.
                • Hi Hutch07
                  You are missing the link between Input (XLINK) and the control.

                  controlLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkIn) #controlIn
                  controlRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkIn) #controlIn


                • Have you looked at the in the SDK?

                • jakaskerl I was not closing the cameras so the encoded files were missing information.


                • Thanks jakaskerl I was also trying replay but it turns out that I was not closing my cameras in the code I was using to record the video. I changed the recording code to this:


                  Thanks again for your help.

                • My code I am using to record the video is :

                  left = oak.create_camera('left', resolution='720p', fps=20, encode='H265')
                  right = oak.create_camera('right', resolution='720p', fps=20, encode='H265')
                  # Synchronize & save all (encoded) streams
                  oakR =OakCamera("1844301081B8AC0F00")
                  leftR = oakR.create_camera('left', resolution='720p', fps=20, encode='H265')
                  rightR = oakR.create_camera('right', resolution='720p', fps=20, encode='H265')
                  oak.record([ left.out.encoded, right.out.encoded], out_path, RecordType.VIDEO)
                  oakR.record([ leftR.out.encoded, rightR.out.encoded], out_path, RecordType.VIDEO)`

                  The code I am trying to use to open the mp4 file is:

                   from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
                  with OakCamera(recording='E:\\Junk\\vid\\1-1844301081B8AC0F00\\CAM_B_bitstream.mp4') as oak:

                      left =oak.create_camera('left', resolution='720p', fps=20, encode='H265')

                      oak.visualize([], scale=2/3, fps=True)

                      oak.visualize(left.out, fps=True)


                  My error is this :

                  Exception has occurred: TypeError
                  OakCamera.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'recording'
                  File "D:\Programming\OAK_D\", line 2, in <module>
                  with OakCamera(recording='E:\Junk\vid\1-1844301081B8AC0F00\CAM_B_bitstream.mp4') as oak:
                  TypeError: OakCamera.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'recording'

                  • How can I view or decode an mp4 video? I have the camera recording OK but have not found anything that can open it.

                    from depthai_sdk import OakCamera, RecordType

                    from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value

                    import depthai as dai

                    import contextlib

                    import math

                    import time, datetime

                    from pathlib import Path

                    import signal

                    import threading

                    import csv

                    out_path = r"E:\Junk\vid"

                    OUTPUT_DIR = Path(r"F:\CAMERAS")

                    Output_csv = Path.joinpath(OUTPUT_DIR, "CSV")

                    print("Output", Output_csv)


                    def write_times(outime, big_array):

                        print("Writing Timestamp CSV.")

                        outname = outime.replace(":", "_") + ".csv"

                        outfile = Path.joinpath(Output_csv, outname)

                        header = ["Device", "Cam", "Timestamp"]

                        with open(outfile,"w", newline='') as csvfile:

                            spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')


                            for rowi in big_array:


                            return True


                    with OakCamera() as oak:

                        left = oak.create_camera('left', resolution='800p', fps=20, encode='H265')

                        right = oak.create_camera('right', resolution='800p', fps=20, encode='H265')


                        # Synchronize & save all (encoded) streams

                        oak.record([ left.out.encoded, right.out.encoded], out_path, RecordType.VIDEO)

                        # Show left stream

                        oak.visualize([], scale=2/3, fps=True)




                        left.control.set_exposure_iso(1500, 600)

                        while oak.running():


                            key = oak.poll()

                            if key == ord('i'):


                            elif key == ord('o'):


                            elif key == ord('k'):


                            elif key == ord('l'):



                            elif key == ord('e'): # Switch to auto exposure

                                left.control.send_controls({'exposure': {'auto': True}}

                    [upl-image-preview url=]