- Edited
Hi @kneave sorry for the trouble
Thanks for the tips, I'll try this with my TV in that case. If it says "done" does that mean the calibration data has been applied and saved to the board or is there another command I need to run to do that?
Yes, unless you only executed capture.py with -m 'capture', it should write the data on the EEPROM, you can see what was written with calibration_dump.py example
I've found the line that prevents calibration data being written and nullified it by adding error_text = "" before the check and calibration data is now written to the device. It won't let me add a screenshot for some reason but it needs to be added in calibration.py around line 936, just before the if statement checking the length of it basically.
if error_text is not empty here you should see something red on the calbiration GUI (like epipolar error or something), didn't noticed any errors when the writing failed here?
I still can't access IMU data though and s I understand it there should be one on board, is there some known-good code for the 3P board please? Model number on the underside is DM1090, R3MOE3.
For IMU, you can find some examples in the depthai-python repo, and some info here. If imu_gyroscope_accelerometer.py and imu_rotation_vector.py doesn't work, try to update the firmware with imu_firmware_update.py. Be very carefull NOT to disconnect the device while the IMU update is going, after the IMU update is at 100% and you start to see the gyroscope values on screen, you can stop the script.
Sadly it ran through the calibration script and simply exited, no error or calibration file uploaded, just exited.
Did you see any errors in the terminal where you ran the calibration script?
Error mentioned above on loading the depthai_demo.py file, this is from the ar234_x3 branch however and I'm not sure if that branch was purely for calibration or not:
RuntimeError: Fatal error. Please report to developers. Log: 'Fatal error on MSS CPU: trap: 07, address: 80089554' '0'
I'm not sure what this error means, cc @Luxonis-Martin @Luxonis-Alex .
@kneave can you try to run spatial_calculator_multi_roi.py or spatial_location_calculator.py to test the depth?