I have just received an OAK-D and I have noticed that the left mono camera is not as well focused as the right mono camera. Is it possible to manually adjust the focus of the mono cameras? If so are there instructions anywhere on your web site for adjusting this?
Andy Tebay
OAK-D Mono camera focus
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the backing and sorry about the issue here. So this is the first (and hopefully the last) of such focus issues we've seen. We order these from Sunny (so quite expensive) and the expectation is that they'll be top-notch as well.
So the lenses are focused and then glued (to my knowledge). I just tried to rotate one with my fingernails, and I couldn't break the lens free. So I am suspecting we'll need to replace your unit.
And I actually just tried some mini-vice-grips on the camera module (a spare one) and the lens will not budge.
If you shoot an email to support@luxonis.com we will get you taken care of. And if you don't mind, could you share a photo of the focus here or on your email?
Thanks again and sorry about the focus issue here.
Images from right and left cameras. The image from the left camera has a softer focus than the image from the right camera. Looking at the depth images they are noisier than I was expecting, for example compared with depth images from my Intel Realsense r200 camera, and was wondering if the softer focus would impact the quality of the depth images.
Yes, I see what you are talking about. It looks like the left camera was focused 'too far out', to the point where the text in the far background is actually in focus where some of the sweatshirt is not and text on the close-in laptop/etc.
We can swap this unit out. Please send an email to support@luxonis.com to coordinate. We'd like to take a look at as well to make sure there aren't other errors.
Thanks again,
And yes, I think this could reduce the depth quality.