Yes, Will share the image.
But I have sorted limited pointcloud range due to I have the added max range as 2m in launch file.
I found the another issue is depth is not matching for particular range. so I have applied the filter to the pointcloud which are mentioned in the documentation (
Eventhough pointclouds are better than previous, but at particular area in the image gives the shortest depth point for the object longer than 2m away from the camera.
Hereby, I have attached the image of the pointcloud, RGB, stereo images and PCL yaml file.
camera_i_enable_ir: true
camera_i_laser_dot_brightness: 800
camera_i_nn_type: none
right_i_publish_topic: true
stereo_i_align_depth: true
# RGB Camera settings from Python
rgb_i_resolution: 1080P # camRgb.setResolution(dai.ColorCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_1080_P)
rgb_i_fps: 15 # camRgb.setFps(FPS)
# Mono/Stereo camera settings
mono_i_resolution: 400P
mono_i_fps: 15 # Reduced from 30 for longer exposure time
mono_i_exposure_time: 33000 # Setting exposure time to ~1/15s (in microseconds)
mono_i_iso: 800 # Keeping ISO/gain moderate
# ISP (Image Signal Processing) settings for mono cameras
mono_i_sharpness: 1.0 # Moderate sharpness to avoid noise amplification
mono_i_luma_denoise: 2 # Luminance denoising level
mono_i_sensor_bit_depth: 10 # Using higher bit depth for better dynamic range
stereo_i_profile: HIGH_DENSITY
stereo_i_confidence_threshold: 80 # Increased threshold to filter more noise
# stereo_i_median_filter: KERNEL_7x7
stereo_i_lr_check: true
stereo_i_extended_disparity: true
stereo_i_subpixel: true
# 1. Temporal filter (reduces ghosting)
stereo_i_temporal_filter_enable: true
stereo_i_temporal_filter_alpha: 0.6 # Add temporal filtering
stereo_i_temporal_filter_delta: 10 # Add temporal filtering
stereo_i_temporal_filter_persistence: 3
# 2. Speckle filter (removes small blobs)
stereo_i_speckle_filter_enable: true
stereo_i_speckle_filter_range: 50 # Add speckle filter for noise
# 3. Spatial filter (reduces noise)
stereo_i_spatial_filter_enable: true
stereo_i_spatial_filter_iterations: 2 # Add spatial filtering
stereo_i_spatial_filter_alpha: 0.5 # Add spatial filtering
stereo_i_spatial_filter_delta: 5 # Add spatial filtering
# 4. Median Filter (Hardware-based noise reduction)
stereo_i_median_filter: KERNEL_7x7
# 5. Decimation Filter (Final resolution reduction)
stereo_i_decimation_factor: 1 # Reduce resolution to improve matching
stereo_i_decimation_mode: MEAN
# 6. Threshold Filter (Early removal of out-of-range values)
stereo_i_depth_filter_enable: true
stereo_i_depth_min: 200 # Minimum depth in mm (30cm)
stereo_i_depth_max: 4000 # Maximum depth in mm (2m)
# 7. Brightness Filter (for high dynamic range scenes)
stereo_i_brightness_filter_enable: true
stereo_i_brightness_filter_min: 100 # Min brightness threshold (0-255)
stereo_i_brightness_filter_max: 220 # Max brightness threshold (0-255)
# 8. Edge filter (removes edges)
stereo_i_edge_filter_enable: true
stereo_i_edge_filter_threshold: 10 # Add edge filter
stereo_i_edge_filter_delta: 5 # Add edge filter
stereo_i_edge_filter_min_intensity: 10 # Add edge filter
stereo_i_edge_filter_max_intensity: 200 # Add edge filter
# Hardware resource allocation for post-processing
stereo_i_post_processing_shaves: 3
stereo_i_post_processing_memory: 3 # Point cloud settings
stereo_i_enable: true stereo_i_publish_topic: true
stereo_i_output_depth: true
stereo_i_output_rectified: true
# Frame settings
base_frame: oak-d_frame
parent_frame: oak-d-base-frame