I tried updating the OS on the camera using the commands on the docs but it does not have any lights anymore, it does not even show up in adb devices. Is there any other way to connect to it and factory reset it?
I tried updating the OS on the camera using the commands on the docs but it does not have any lights anymore, it does not even show up in adb devices. Is there any other way to connect to it and factory reset it?
Window's host OS. It is not a power issue because I have been using the same USB-C power brick as before when it was fine. Even tried to plug it into a Poe+ switch with enough wattage and still does not have any lights at all.
Ran the following commands:
I had downloaded the appropriate zip file and moved it to the data directory
recovery --wipe_cache --update_package=/data/full_update_luxonis_ext4.zip
Which OS was installed before that?
I suggest you try accessing the device via fastboot. It should already be installed when you install ADB.
Plug in USB-C from your PC to the device.
Press and hold the reset button on the back of the device between the M8 and M12 connector. You will need a toothpick or something similar.
Plug the power (POE).
Release the button.
fastboot devices
should list a connected device.
Let me know if you can find the device.
Can you write to support@luxonis.com we'll have the device replaced. It is most likely a SW brick and if you can't access it even under fastboot, then it's best our factory re-flashes it.