• DepthAIHardware
  • Couldn't read data from stream: 'sys_logger_queue' (X_LINK_ERROR)'

Seeing this error quite frequently. This is the output from running RGB preview:

python rgb_preview.py 
Connected cameras: [{socket: CAM_A, sensorName: IMX378, width: 4056, height: 3040, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [COLOR], hasAutofocus: 1, hasAutofocusIC: 1, name: color}, {socket: CAM_B, sensorName: OV9282, width: 1280, height: 800, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [MONO], hasAutofocus: 0, hasAutofocusIC: 0, name: left}, {socket: CAM_C, sensorName: OV9282, width: 1280, height: 800, orientation: AUTO, supportedTypes: [MONO], hasAutofocus: 0, hasAutofocusIC: 0, name: right}]
Usb speed: SUPER
Device name: OAK-D-PRO  Product name: OAK-D-PRO-AF
[14442C1011CCC5D600] [] [1738016464.230] [host] [error] Device likely crashed but did not reboot in time to get the crash dump
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/brad/projects/depthai-python/examples/ColorCamera/rgb_preview.py", line 39, in <module>
    inRgb = qRgb.get()  # blocking call, will wait until a new data has arrived
RuntimeError: Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'rgb' (X_LINK_ERROR)'

    Hi BradSteiner
    Means there was an issue retrieving a frame from the RGB queue - mostly caused by queue filling up, crashing the device pipeline.


    What could cause that? Sometimes it seems to run fine, but I was seeing it a lot yesterday. It would only run for a few minutes before crashing due to that error. Is it the USB cable? Are the PoE version more reliable?

      Could be USB cable (lower bandwidth causing a block), POE (even lower bandwidth + ETH stack on CPU).. What does your pipeline look like? Is your host side loop fast enough to read the queues? If you set all queues to non-blocking, does the issue disappear.


        2 months later

        Hi, we are still seeing issue even with the PoE version. It looks like this:

        [component_container-1] [ERROR] [1742415245.811915967] [oak]: No data on logger queue!
        [component_container-1] [ERROR] [1742415245.812111873] [oak]: Camera diagnostics error: Communication exception - possible device error/misconfiguration. Original message 'Couldn't read data from stream: 'sys_logger_queue' (X_LINK_ERROR)'

        We are launching with this command:
        ros2 launch depthai_ros_driver camera.launch.py params_file:=camera_config.yaml

        where camera_config.yaml looks like this:

              i_pipeline_type: rgbd
              i_nn_type: none
              i_floodlight_brightness: 1000  # 1500 is max
              i_laser_dot_brightness: 1200  # 1200 is max
              i_fps: 10.0                                                                                                                                                                  
              i_resolution: '4K' #'720P' #'4K'       
              i_set_isp_scale: false
              i_width: 1280 #512 1280
              i_height: 720 #288 720
              # i_resolution: '720P'
              i_extended_disp: true
              i_subpixel: false
              i_depth_preset: HIGH_DENSITY
              i_enable_decimation_filter: true
              i_enable_temporal_filter: false
              i_enable_speckle_filter: true
              i_enable_spatial_filter: true
              i_lr_check: true
              i_publish_topic: true

          Hi, could you check camera CPU usage? You can get that either via subscribing to diagnostics topic or enabling DEBUG logs via running export DEPTHAI_DEBUG=1. You can also disable diagnostics queue just in case by setting

              i_enable_diagnostics: false

          Sorry for the late reply. Here is a snapshot of the camera usage.

          - level: "\0"
            name: 'oak: sys_logger'
            message: System Information
            hardware_id: /oak_18443010616C980F00_OAK-D-PRO-POE
            - key: Leon CSS CPU Usage
              value: '99.859'
            - key: Leon MSS CPU Usage
              value: '9.071'
            - key: Ddr Memory Usage
              value: '229.081'
            - key: Ddr Memory Total
              value: '333.263'
            - key: Cmx Memory Usage
              value: '2.10254'
            - key: Cmx Memory Total
              value: '2621440'
            - key: Leon CSS Memory Usage
              value: '68.5048'
            - key: Leon CSS Memory Total
              value: '81.6971'
            - key: Leon MSS Memory Usage
              value: '4.67026'
            - key: Leon MSS Memory Total
              value: '39.8734'
            - key: Average Chip Temperature
              value: '54.6903'
            - key: Leon CSS Chip Temperature
              value: '56.7999'
            - key: Leon MSS Chip Temperature
              value: '53.3338'
            - key: UPA Chip Temperature
              value: '54.8573'
            - key: DSS Chip Temperature
              value: '53.7703'

          Values are pretty consistent across messages

          jakaskerl This is using the ROS Humble driver. Any idea on how this gets dealt with there?

          Hi, it seems that CPU usage is too high (99%), this can cause connection issues as mentioned in the documentation. To improve it, you would need to adjust your pipeline accordingly (lower resolutions, reduce FPS, limit 3A algorithms cc @jakaskerl what else could might help here)
          More information:

          Our framerate is already fairly low at 10 FPS. Is it expected to see such high CPU usage at this framerate?